I have the same problem, CPU is only used 25% (over all 8 kernes average), but four kernels are quite fast above 100 °C and the system becomes stuck.
I already did a lot of analyzing and it seems it's specially a problem if the system is using the NVIDIA instead of Intel HD 4000.
I my opinion, there must be some hardware or design error in communicatoin between logic board and NVIDIA card.
I hope, Apple pick's up the problem and delivers a solution.
Symbiatch wrote:
Yes, if it was all the time and that usage, I'd understand it getting a bit hot. But do note: I was only using a quarter of the CPU, the GPU was not used at all and the time was limited, not all the time. And still the CPU housing went up to 92 degrees centigrade, disk to 55 and discrete GPU was in use and went up to 70. That's not very good design. And mind you: the GPU is not used in what I do (database handling etc, only CPU and disk).
Just to compare, my trusty old Dell can handle all that I'm doing (a bit slower since it doesn't have SSD or i7) and I can still hold the machine on my lap and my hands won't be burning. And I'm sure most of the machines out there would too.