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How to I auto-add .com in Safari?

I'm new to Mac, and trying to get used to using Safari.

In other browsers, when I type in a URL, I would use CTRL-Enter (on a PC) and the www would be added to the front of the URL, along with the .com at the end of the URL.

I can't find a similar key combo in Safari. I've done several Google searches regarding the issue, and people state that it should always be added automatically. While that's true for sites I've already visited, it's not true for sites I go to for the first time. For those sites, I end up with some Brighthouse Cable DNS search page (which I assume must have gotten redirected at the router, since there's no way the MacBook could have known I have Brighthouse cable).

Any suggestions? Or is this just the way Safari works?


MacBook Pro (Retina, Mid 2012), Mac OS X (10.7.4), My very first MacBook Pro

Posted on Jun 16, 2012 6:03 AM

22 replies
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Jun 17, 2012 2:49 PM in response to joanna117

Unfortunately it seems that the selection of websites this works for is very limited. For example, I was attempting to visit a popular Ford Mustang site call www.allfordmustangs.com. Safari didn't add the .com for me.

I suppose what's the most dissapointing is that IE, Firefox, and Chrome all support the same keystroke - CTRL-ENTER. That keystoke adds the www and .com to the address for you. You don't have to use it, but it comes in handy.

Hopefully this will be something Apple will consider for future releases.


Aug 5, 2012 11:33 AM in response to Neville Hillyer

Hey all... I was the OP (original poster) to this question... and Neville is correct. It seems that this feature does not work for everyone. I'm assuming it's a version issue with Safari.

There was some in depth discussions regarding DNS, but after trying several DNS servers and getting the same failed results, I believe this is incorrect. Everyone that has stated this works correctly for them is using Safari 5.x. I'm using Safari 6.0.

After doing a lot of searching for the correct answer, I believe it's actually a Safari issue with the way typing in to the URL bar is handled. I have come to this conclusion by watching the bar as I type. I'll try to demonstrate here with a couple pictures to show what I mean.

First, if I start type in an address that I've been to, the auto-complete fills in the whole thing and I don't have to type the whole address, like shown here:

User uploaded file

You can see in that screenshot that after I type this first few letters, the website filled in itself.

Now in this screenshot, I will attempt to go to Microsoft's website. This is where Safari fails in it's execution.

User uploaded file

You can see several things here. Firstly, even though I have typed in the full name of the site (minus the www and .com), to the right of where I'm typing, the text says "Google Search". Safari plans on executing a Google search for the info I just typed in. If you look further down the list of options, you can see one called "Go to Site Microsoft". If I just hit enter at this point, a Google search comes up searching for Microsoft. If I use the arrow key to go down to the "go to" section, I will be directed to www.microsoft.com even though I didn't type everything in.

And this is where the root of the problem lies. By default, if you haven't visited a site yet, a search is always performed. If you have visited a site, you can go to that site without typing the full URL.

It's possible (probable, even) that those users who came from previous versions of Safari might not have this issue. However, for someone new to Mac like myself that started off with Safari 6.0, this will never work.

Again, to show further evidence, if I type in to the URL bar Compuware (where I work), you can see that even after typing this in, the icon on the left is still a search icon, and on the right it will say Google search.

User uploaded file

Now, once I finish typing .com to the end, you'll see that the icon to the left changes to a round circle (I assume this is the equivelant of the globe IE uses), and the search info on the right goes away.

User uploaded file

So now, when I hit enter, I'll be take directly to the site. Or I can arrow down to perform a Google search.

My initial argument still stands - Safari is broken in the way that it handles unvisited URLs. By following the standard put in place by all the other major browser - IE, FF, Chrome - and providing a Control - Enter or Command - Enter option of adding the .com to the end of the URL, this could be easily resolved.


Oct 2, 2012 5:17 AM in response to charlie74

I know this is a couple of months old, but it's been bugging me also.

However, the work-around is to append a '/' to the end of the word typed. For example, to go to compuware.com, type:


and press enter.

This should take you directly to www.compuware.com without going to your default search page, serching for the term entered.


Jul 28, 2012 4:41 AM in response to Neville Hillyer

Hi Neville,

Let's see if this post comes out a little cleaner. My last one started in Safari 5, went through the update to Safari 6, and all sorts of strangeness happened. While backticks were intentional, certainly not within a command, I have no idea how that happened. Same for the long URL's, I would have left them alone, though some were very long, and these forums were truncating them. And, as you may or may not learn depending on your browser of choice, Safari 6 can make it hard to actually copy a URL at times. For example, do a google search and try to coy the resulting URL, you won't be able to as far as I can tell. You can copy the search term from the URL bar, but that is it — though I didn't put too much time into it — yet. So far, I am clicking over to page two in google, then control clicking on the page 1 link to get the actual searched URL.

My remarks about removing www are in regards to what I would say is a common practice these days. Not that any one method is better than the other. Using a www or a domain with a www doesn't matter so much as just picking only one, and using only one. You don't want to resolve both distinct domains to the same site, rather, chose one, and redirect to the other. This is so you won't be penalized be search engines for duplicate content. It is probably the fastest way to get an otherwise excellent page ranking to tumble into the gutter.

You can read more about it here:


( Yesterday, that url may or may not have been copyable beyond the first slash after the protocol. )

With the speeds of servers these days, I'm not sure I personally would worry about removal of a trailing slash. For example, twitter.com/some-user versus twitter.com/some-user/ I would lean on the former, because it looks better, is simpler to explain verbally, and is a convention in use by more and more sites. Most are not even using a file extennsion any longer. If you have to modify the url anyway, it will only be one round trip, so I would personally lean on removal of the sub domain if it is www, remove trailing slashes, send out an http 301 permanently moved for the www version of the site, and call it a day. If I am going to use mod_rewrite or some similar url pattern matching and rewriting tool, I might as well use it as much as I can in one go to get a nice, short, and clean url.

I am not sure I mentioned anything about the removal of a trailing slash though, so before it get's too off topic, I will leave it at how I persnally deal with these scenarios.

These apple forums are fidgety, I looked at an instance of the post I made in my clipboard history and there are no backticks within commands. For anyone reading this or my previous post, please remove those if you are copying and pasting a command, as it will break the command. Any terminal command should have no backticks in them at all. At least not in these examples — there are plenty of times in which they are very useful in a shell.

I wasn't saying your DNS server specifically was slow, as much as I am saying any single use DNS server of that type is slow. Though, if you are on OS 9, I am going to imagine you are using QuickDNS, which has some bugs in it ( Please don't ask me to remmeber 🙂 ) Also, the TCP/IP stack in OS 9 is much slower in general than that of any other OS. As a matter of fact, the internal OS 9 resolver is completely broken in OS 9 and why there were so few email servers for OS 9. If you wanted solid DNS resolution on OS 9, something a mail server may have to do 20's of times for every email that comes in, as a mail server developer, you would have to rewrite the internal resolver just to maintain reliability.

Regardless, my comment was on DNS caching in general. Just by the nature of the line speed and machine speed, while it certianly could handle millions of requests a day on that hardware, and I myself have handled much more on slighly slower hardware a decade ago or so... I doubt that your network, or any "normal" users network, has enough users, for significant caching to take place. For example, if I go to a relatively obscure domain using Google Public DNS or openDNS as my resolver, I can be fairly certain that with their hundreds of thsounds of users, that domain has been hit many times already. Were I running my own server, I might not have been there ever before. Now I have to wait for the resolution, wait for the TTL comparison, wait for it to be saved to cache, etc. That is all removed when you use a service that isbacked by popularity. However, you also lose security, as we have seen in the past with Verisign and the NXDOMAIN fiasco a few years back. ( Funny, they were doing DNS hijacking too, but at the root level ) In those cases, I could at least fix it network wide, rather than only on a machine by machine basis in /etc/hosts. Also, a small to medium DNS server has no ability to deal with DoS and DDoS attacks, whereas, taking openDNS or Google Public DNS out would be a challenge. For the small to medium sized DNS server, all I need is a faster connection than they have, and just me, all alone, can flood port 53 with so much junk they wouldn't be able to answer a single query.

Regarding up/down speeds. You may not have the issue, but my reply was in general. Though there are cases where you still could run into issues. Since your line is asynchronous, you can use allmost all of your upstream data and still have room for the TCP overhead needed to use the rest of your downstream data. The same does not hold true in the other direction though. If for example I have a 10Mb/s over 10Mb/s line. Many think you can set your applications throttle limits at those speeds, but you can't. You have to leave room for the cumulative count of used applications TCP/IP overhead. Basically, leave room for the request itself, or there will be nothing to download or upload, as the request itself will never leave or enter the data line itself. Really, this is all best done in some dedicated hardware that is first in the hop of your network chain. At least then, when problems do arise, you won't be locked out of your own internal LAN too.

Yes, it is my view that most software on the Mac does not use shell commands. You could jump through the hoops to do so, but things would get slow very quickly. Just looking over the command reference for Obj-C you can see this. Why would they have commands that are in duplicate? Since we are talking DNS, that is a good example as it stands. There is an entire DNSServiceDiscovery framework that is used for peforming actions that amount to what `dig` can do. Here is the actual Framework ( I believe ) documention http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/Networking/Reference/DNSSe rviceDiscovery_CRef/Reference/reference.html

( In Safari 6, I had to manually add in the leading "http://" to that URL, hopefully this bug is fixed soon, as it is sporadic, and lets see if the forums chew it up like last time... )

Anyway, when writing Desktop Applictaions, IOS Applications, etc, and you want to get the best performance possible, as well as just having a much easier time at writing code, you tend to use the libraries/Fraemworks that Apple has suppled. Not to mention, there is no guarantee that `dig` is identical on every machine, will return the results the exact same way on every machine, etc. Some support IPV6 some do not. It is why Apple is so strict about the use of their Libraries and will kick you out of either of their App Stores if you are using any non supported frameworks, even if Apple was the ones to put them there and are themselves relying on them in their own applicaations. Aside from that, imagine if to delete a file — application developers used `rm`. Many do this for uninstallers and it is constantly biting them. People have a habit of creating a bash alias for `rm` to `rm -i` to force confirmation. If you do that and the developer has not called the full path as `/bin/rm` the application will stall waiting on a "y" from the user.

Don't get me wrong, the *nix commands that come with OS X are indespensible. They are just rarely used internally within an OS X application. Even the comands themselves could call to other commands, but they dont, they write the code in ( usually ) pure C. It is the only reliable way to do so. You could decompile nslookup and find there are no dig command in it or decompile dig and find there are no nslookup commands in it. If apps were to rely on these commands, perhaps half of the Frameworks included in the Developer Tools could be removed.

This of course excludes older applications made in something like AppleScript Studio, applications made in AppleScript, shell scripts you have made yourself, or perhaps those same shell scripts you have decided that just for yourself you are going to wrap a GUI around it using something like Platypus... But it is not the correct way to write an application. It is often frustrating to see those 100 lines of Obj-C that are doing something like getting your current interface, when you know you could do so in one line of shell code, but it's too slow, too unreliable, and too prone to breakage or change on various systems. If you want to prove it, simply perform a `sudo mv /bin /bin.hold` and all your applications will still run just fine. I suppose they could be compiled in, which would solve that promlem as well, but it is very non-standard when it comes to application development.

I think you are asking for others to post their results to the commands you posted? Here are mine...

$time curl apple.com -o /dev/null -s

real 0m0.363s

user 0m0.009s

sys 0m0.012s

Here is a result from my default which is Google Public DNS:

$dig dsajewqueyudgs2321.com +trace +norecurse +short

NS j.root-servers.net. from server in 17 ms.

NS h.root-servers.net. from server in 17 ms.

NS d.root-servers.net. from server in 17 ms.

NS e.root-servers.net. from server in 17 ms.

NS i.root-servers.net. from server in 17 ms.

NS m.root-servers.net. from server in 17 ms.

NS k.root-servers.net. from server in 17 ms.

NS a.root-servers.net. from server in 17 ms.

NS c.root-servers.net. from server in 17 ms.

NS l.root-servers.net. from server in 17 ms.

NS b.root-servers.net. from server in 17 ms.

NS g.root-servers.net. from server in 17 ms.

NS f.root-servers.net. from server in 17 ms.

Here is a result from openDNS:

$dig dsajewqueyudgs2321.com +trace +norecurse +short @

NS e.root-servers.net. from server in 21 ms.

NS j.root-servers.net. from server in 21 ms.

NS i.root-servers.net. from server in 21 ms.

NS g.root-servers.net. from server in 21 ms.

NS l.root-servers.net. from server in 21 ms.

NS a.root-servers.net. from server in 21 ms.

NS c.root-servers.net. from server in 21 ms.

NS f.root-servers.net. from server in 21 ms.

NS d.root-servers.net. from server in 21 ms.

NS b.root-servers.net. from server in 21 ms.

NS k.root-servers.net. from server in 21 ms.

NS m.root-servers.net. from server in 21 ms.

NS h.root-servers.net. from server in 21 ms.

And here is one from the first non cached run after I just turned on named on my local machine:

$dig dsajewqueyudgs2321.com +trace +norecurse +short @

NS i.root-servers.net. from server in 4 ms.

NS g.root-servers.net. from server in 4 ms.

NS j.root-servers.net. from server in 4 ms.

NS b.root-servers.net. from server in 4 ms.

NS f.root-servers.net. from server in 4 ms.

NS d.root-servers.net. from server in 4 ms.

NS k.root-servers.net. from server in 4 ms.

NS h.root-servers.net. from server in 4 ms.

NS c.root-servers.net. from server in 4 ms.

NS a.root-servers.net. from server in 4 ms.

NS m.root-servers.net. from server in 4 ms.

NS l.root-servers.net. from server in 4 ms.

NS e.root-servers.net. from server in 4 ms.

And here is the second request after caching has happened:

$dig dsajewqueyudgs2321.com +trace +norecurse +short @

NS b.root-servers.net. from server in 2 ms.

NS d.root-servers.net. from server in 2 ms.

NS h.root-servers.net. from server in 2 ms.

NS l.root-servers.net. from server in 2 ms.

NS k.root-servers.net. from server in 2 ms.

NS a.root-servers.net. from server in 2 ms.

NS c.root-servers.net. from server in 2 ms.

NS m.root-servers.net. from server in 2 ms.

NS g.root-servers.net. from server in 2 ms.

NS f.root-servers.net. from server in 2 ms.

NS j.root-servers.net. from server in 2 ms.

NS i.root-servers.net. from server in 2 ms.

NS e.root-servers.net. from server in 2 ms.

Bed time for me, take care. Hoepfully this post comes out less confusing then the last, though I admit, I was rushing and also a small system update happening in the middle of the post. Have a good night.


Jun 16, 2012 12:59 PM in response to charlie74

I never bother to type in "www." or ".com". Safari has always filled in the prefix and correct suffix, e.g., .com, .org, .edu, etc. for me. I anticipate it'll do that whenever possible, unless you're going to a very obscure site that it can't locate without all the letters...

It's a nice way that Safari makes things easier for us. Good luck.



Jun 21, 2012 10:13 AM in response to Neville Hillyer

Two part answer:

Initially, it did not work for me. It turns out that when you put in a site without adding the .com, Safari uses your local DNS provider to try and come up with the full URL. I have Brighthouse Cable, and it would seem that for almost all URLs this doesn't work.

After doing some searching on the web, I came across OpenDNS.org. Replacing my DNS settings with the new settings from this site (and removing the ones automatically detected through Brighthouse), I can now type in any website and have it automatically add the .com to the end.

I'm not entirely fond of this, as I still prefer the CTRL-ENTER method used by every other browser. When using this method as Safari does, you can see the URL change a couple of times while it runs the search and works out what it should be. Pressing CTRL-ENTER and going straight to the site I want is cleaner, IMO, however since I have the DNS settings in there now and this works, I suppose I'll just get used to it 🙂



Jun 21, 2012 12:19 PM in response to charlie74

It turns out that when you put in a site without adding the .com, Safari uses your local DNS provider to try and come up with the full URL.

This does not look credible - do you have any evidence for it?

Could it be a speed issue? All my tests indicate that, with the possible exception to BT, Google DNS servers are the fastest. I find that, contrary to the old advice, most users get a faster service from Google than from their ISP. You can try this with the following easy to remember Google DNS server:

Those who want to test DNS server speed can do so with NameBench.

I do not understand your remarks about CTRL-ENTER. All I do is type eg apple in the address box and hit enter - what is wrong with this? It is easier than CTRL-ENTER.


Jun 21, 2012 2:24 PM in response to Neville Hillyer

Neville Hillyer wrote:

It turns out that when you put in a site without adding the .com, Safari uses your local DNS provider to try and come up with the full URL.

This does not look credible - do you have any evidence for it?

Sure. When I'm at home, and I type in an address in Safari on my Mac, if the DNS search fails, it redirects me to some BrightHouse Networks search page. I've never seen this page prior to use Safari, and have not done any configurations to Safari that would have caused this. I literally turned on my new Mac for the first time, attempted to visit the web, and noticed this behavior.

Now that I have the OpenDNS settings configured, when I type in a URL without the .com at the end, I can see the address bar change several times while it works out the configuration. I will try and record a little YouTube video of the behavior to demonstrate when I get home this evening.

Neville Hillyer wrote:

Could it be a speed issue? All my tests indicate that, with the possible exception to BT, Google DNS servers are the fastest. I find that, contrary to the old advice, most users get a faster service from Google than from their ISP. You can try this with the following easy to remember Google DNS server:

Definately not a speed issue. My connection at home runs between 35-40Mbps consistentely.

I just downloaded Safari here at work, and on my office PC running Windows 7, I get nothing when putting in a website without the .com. Actually, Safari tells me that I'm not connected to the internet if I do. I assume this is because our DNS here at the office is not configured to allow whatever search Safari is looking for. I tried typing in "ford", and got nowhere. Typing in ford.com gets me to the site, however.

Neville Hillyer wrote:

You can try this with the following easy to remember Google DNS server:

I do not understand your remarks about CTRL-ENTER. All I do is type eg apple in the address box and hit enter - what is wrong with this? It is easier than CTRL-ENTER.

I will have to try Google's DNS server as well. Maybe it would perform even better than the OpenDNS server does. As for the CTRL-ENTER, it's just a standard amongst browsers that people generally find convenient. The shortcuts are as follows:

Ctrl-Enter = add .com

Shift-Enter = add.net

Ctrl-Shift-Enter = add .org

I suppose if typing in only the name of a website actually worked consistently, this would not be an issue. But since it seems to be very dependent on local DNS settings, I don't think the way Safari handles this is really appropriate. There are too many variables to cause this to fail.

Just my two cents...


Jun 21, 2012 2:59 PM in response to charlie74

Please ignore my 'does not look credible' remark. I edited it out but the Apple site went off-line and I lost the edited post. When the site returned it was no longer editable. I should have made this clear in my subsequent post - sorry about this.

My remarks about speed refer to the speed of the various DNS lookups not the speed of your connection.

As I tried to explain I don't think Safari is strictly doing a search. I think it is using the inbuilt Unix dig (or similar) command in batch mode. In other words Safari probably has a simple text file somewhere with an ordered list of ways to modify incomplete URLs starting with com etc. The dig command will fire the first modified domain name at the specified DNS server and keep doing this whilst moving down its list until it has a valid reply. See this link for details about the dig command: https://www.isc.org/software/bind/documentation/arm95#man.dig


Jun 22, 2012 11:43 AM in response to Neville Hillyer

Thanks, I'll have to read up regarding the dig command.

However, this still (in my opinion) proves that Safari's behavior of "it just works" doesn't actually work. Maybe for some internet connections it may, however neither my home or work connection automatically add .com to the end of URLs. So far, I'm 0 for 2.

Just to show an example of the behavior, I used Quicktime to record a screen capture (which is a really nice feature I've found on the Mac, by the way) and uploaded it to YouTube. You can see the video here:


As you can see, the first three URLs that I type in all work, since I've visited the sites before. I believe they are apple, googe, and microsoft. However, the next two I type in don't work - samsung and compuware. Both of those return Brighthouse DNS search page results. If I could have pressed ctrl-enter (or some other key combo) to auto add the .com for these sites, this wouldn't be a problem.

This morning, I replaced the DNS settings with those for Google's DNS servers, and while the behavior is "better", it's still not perfect. In the instances that Google DNS doesn't return the results quickly, I'm taken to some Safari error page. I'll grab a video of that as well later.

Again... I know we are disagreeing on something very trivial. However, for people such as myself who 1) appreciate the shortcuts in other browsers and 2) don't get the "expected" results in Safari, it's frustrating to say the least.



Jun 22, 2012 12:21 PM in response to charlie74

It was not easy to see everything but from what I did see I am of the opinion that your ISP is intercepting normal DNS requests in contravention of the standards. Perhaps they think they are being helpful but on this occasion it is incompatible with Safari. The fault is with your ISP and not Safari.

Use NameBench to find a normal DNS server which gives a fast service for your location.

I am surprised you have such slow DNS server access despite your very fast connection.

I have my own DNS server - it is a 233 MHz G3 with OS 9 in the next room. This G3 also runs several web sites - clearly it stores very few DNS addresses so it is backed up by a Google DNS server probably over 4,000 miles away! My local communication is via ADSL over 40 year old telephone lines. Typical speeds are 500 kB/s downline and 50 kB/s upline - a typical UK 8 Mb/s ADSL connection - details here: http://links.zero.eu.org/radsl/

If I have time I will investigate things that perhaps we could do with key combinations to resolve your problem.


Jul 27, 2012 7:29 PM in response to Neville Hillyer

Hello everyone,

There seems to be a bit of mis-information going on in this forums post with regard to what is happening and how DNS servers work.

Oh, I use the term "OP", which stands for "Original Poster". Terms wrapped in tick `marks` represent command line tools, and references to running command in to terminal mean to copy those commands, making sure to not copy a trailing return, paste them into your terminal, and then press return. Here is an intro to the Mac OS X Terminal ( http://bit.ly/OhZdq4 ).

To avoid any bad feelings, this is just information, and I am just trying to help as rapidly as I can, I am not replying to anyone in particular, just answering the general sentiment of most posts in this thread.

First, the OP is having an issue with autocomplete of the TLD ( Top Level Domain's ) in Safari. It was mentioned that it is surprising that it is slow for him as his Internet connection speed are fast. However, you could have 1000Mb/s downstream and upstream and still have slowness issues if it were DNS related. ( Or not DNS related )

If the OP's upstream data connection is swamped, meaning his ability to upload data is at full capacity, that will not leave enough TCP/IP overhead for most, if any downstream requests to happen. This could cause slowness in all locations, not just DNS.

If it is DNS related, a swamped upstream could cause certainly part of the issue.

If the upstream and downstream have adequate bandwidth, there still could be problems. The large majority, 99.9% or better perhaps ( pulled that out of my booty ), of all DNS requests do not happen over TCP, but over UDP ( http://bit.ly/OhY2Hf ). This is by design — while UDP is not as robust a protocol for error correction, it is much better suited for something like DNS where the returned data is usually of a relatively fixed size and error free.

Internally, Mac OS X, or any other OS more than likely does not use `dig`, `nslookup`, or any of the "bin" tools users have access to on their system. It is more along the lines of how you would do DNS resolution if you were to need to do so in C, or in the case of most Mac OS X desktop applications, Objective-C. Regardless, this beyond the scope of an answer for this forum question.

The OP has an ISP that is clearly doing "DNS hijacking" ( http://bit.ly/OhZYzp ). This could be proven with `dig` ( Command line based DNS lookups and resolution tool similar to `nslookup` ).

Make up a domain that you know does not exist, such as http://dsajewqueyudgs2321.com and open your terminal — enter in

`dig` dsajewqueyudgs2321.com +trace +norecurse +short

The results you should get will be a list of what are called "root servers", usually 10-15 lines starting with letters of the alphabet ( just a user decided naming convention ),lead by "NS" ( NameServer ), followed by the lookup server's IP address and finally how long it took in milliseconds. Something like this:

NS a.root-servers.net. from server in 20 ms.

NS b.root-servers.net. from server in 20 ms.

NS c.root-servers.net. from server in 20 ms.

NS d.root-servers.net. from server in 20 ms.

NS e.root-servers.net. from server in 20 ms.

This result tells us a few things. First, that my ISP is not doing DNS hijacking, because I am getting root servers returned. In a DNS hijacked situation, you would see an answer that more than likely contained NS's with domain names that sound like your ISP, or something like:


To see if the OP's issue with the time of how long it takes Safari to figure all this out, you could also use `dig`. I would imagine this lookup order is hard coded into Safari, and does not live in a plain file anywhere. This would be done for performance and security reasons. That text file would be a great security attack vector to cause some very interesting and confusing results to an end-user.

To test the time, perform `dig` lookups in order to get to a .org

dig example.com | grep msec

;; Query time: 21 msec -- result, do not paste this in…

dig example.net | grep msec

;; Query time: 21 msec -- result, do not paste this in…

dig example.org | grep msec

;; Query time: 21 msec -- result, do not paste this in…

In this case, I ask `dig` to look for example.com/.net/.org and pipe ( http://bit.ly/Mpyhkj ) it through `grep` ( Unix tool to find data in strings using pattern matching or regular expressions ) to find the line that tells me how long it took. So for Safari — to run through a worst case — where there was no .com, no .net — and finally — a resolving .org — would take a minimum of 63 milliseconds. Pretty fast!

The OP chose to use openDNS ( http://bit.ly/Oi21DH ). This is fine, and in some cases better. One thing openDNS does is tracks your IP address and allows you to define settings based on it.

If you don't create an account, it should do nothing. However, if someone else has ever "owned" your IP, you would inherit their settings if they set the account up. You can set up shortcuts in openDNS — as well as many other options. So you could instruct openDNS that when you type in the single letter "g" into Safari it takes you to gmail.com.

If you don't configure openDNS, it would take you to g.com if that exists, g.net if the prior didn't exist, and g.org if that prior doesn't exist. In Safari 6, it will finally perform a google search for you. I can't seem to think of a condition in Safari 6 where you would ever get to a "Safari can't find a connection" error page unless your connection really was down.

If I am in a case where openDNS is fastest, which I will determine through testing openDNS against Google Public DNS, using `dig` as my time metric tool, or using http://code.google.com/p/namebench/ and testing a ton of public DNS servers. It can often depend on your location, but not how most people think ( More on this later, it is called 'anycast' http://bit.ly/MpyWlQ ), but will also depend on line speed, latency, DNS Server speed, time of day to determine user load, and a handful other variables that have to do with caching and TTL's ( DNS Time To Live Settings ).

If the OP continues to use openDNS, I would at least login and create an account to make sure he didn't inherit someone else's DNS's configurations. This has happened to me before where clients will have well known domains, or single letter slips end up at adult sites, "internets", private domains, and other locations that should be secure by more than public visible DNS obscurity ( Even if you have DNS +xfer disabled. +xfer allows one to download a list of all DNS entries. ).

Google also has free DNS servers to use, and as a general rule of thumb, I find them to be around the fastest, or fast enough, and the IP's are simple to remember, just an 8 in dotted quads and a split 8 and 4 in dotted quads. So and . Not that openDNS is that hard to remember either.

One user here is using his own DNS server locally. This can easily be done on the very machine you use as well, this would be the fastest, by removing any network delay at all — but can't take into account the popularity of openDNS and Google Public DNS's massive user base contributing to their caches — not to mention that openDNS actively NXDOAMAIN's ( http://bit.ly/MpzUOQ ) phishing and fraud domains so you can't accidentally click on a bad URL. The problem is that more than likely this will slow things down more than speed them up. The advantage of using openDNS and Google public DNS is that so many people use it, just about every domain out there is already cached at their DNS server, at least until the TTL ( Time To Live ) value expires.

If the OP is getting results of the Bright House search page, regardless of whatever DNS changes he has made, they are not working. openDNS would not return those results, and any true NXDOMAIN, aka: no domain exists, would cause Safari 6 to perform a search using your default search engine setting. Pre Safari 6 will yield an error page.

Google's DNS servers are not 4000 miles away no matter where you live and no matter where their data centers are. Nor are openDNS's. Both have far more than a few servers handling this level of load. Even companies like reddit, apple, facebook, etc. more than likely will not manage their own DNS. They contract out to openDNS or other major DNS CDN resolver outfits.

This is for a few reasons. One is the 4000 mile issue mentioned. If I live in the USA and someone else lives in Europe, and is using Google Public DNS, that does not mean their DNS request must travel 4000 miles even though they only use one IP address. openDNS and Google Public DNS, with only one real IP, doesn't mean they are doing some fancy load balancing all in one datacenter making all requests take such a long trip.

The avoid this by using something called anycast, which allows a single IP address to sit anywhere it wants physically in the world, on as many servers as desired. I can trace to from my location and I go from home to Mountain View Pretty quick. In this case, I do in fact hit their home data center. But if I hook into a VPN in Japan, and trace to I, slightly slower, go from home to make my way to Tokyo, where google seemingly has a datacenter — or deal with someone who is allowing them to resolve and to their DNS infrastructure.

As a side note, if you need to test DNS lookups using `dig`, it will default to using the same DNS server your browser is going to use. If you want to force `dig` to use a specific DNS server, you will have to use the @ directive in `dig`:

`dig` example.com @ +norecurse`.

The OP should first try entering in and into his TCP/IP settings in the Network Preference Pane of System Preferences. It is in the "Advanced" button, under the "DNS" tab. You should also see in the Network Preference Pane, in the main window, your list on the left that shows your network interfaces devices. Since I am on a laptop — and never use wired Ethernet — never use FireWire as a network connection— I have deleted all other entries aside from those that I need. The list on the left is usually Wifi, Firewire, Ethernet, Bluetooth, and a few more I am probably forgetting — can slow things down as well — as it is a list that on some occasions, such as toggling an active VPN — will have to be scanned through. So delete those that you will never use. You can always add them back in through the small gear and triangle icon.

You should also "Set Service Order" which is done with the same gear and arrow icon. Just drag them around to set the order of precedence. In my case, wireless is first, in other cases, Ethernet may be first for some. Close it all up, save the settings, and do a search for known non existent domain ( NXDOMAIN ), you should, in Safari 6, get a default search engine page, and not the ISP's DNS hijacked page. In this OP's case, he should not see the Bright House page. Some code people have written relies on there being a NXDOMAIN response, and is part of RFC protocol. Bright House has inadvertently ( Or Intentionally ) broken all those applications.

OP may want to login to his ISP's control panel and make sure he can't turn this "feature" off within their settings, or even define his DNS servers at their server level. The worst would be if it is hard coded into their Cable Modem or DSL modem. And if that modem was a router that you are using. In that case, you will need to go buy a router of your own and make sure that you are connecting to that router. You may even have to buy your own cable modem, which they will not particularly enjoy supporting. Something like this:

ISP's modem/router -> Your new router -> your computers on wifi or wired.

If you already have your own router, which I suspect you do, you may need to add in the DNS IP's within your router, at which point, you should see your TCP/IP settings on Mac OS X within the Network Preference Pane of the DNS tab reflect those IP's in a greyed out color that is editable. You can still add even more to fall back on for this particular machine. For example, have the primary Google Public DNS Servers in your router, and add AT&T's Level 3 Public DNS IP's as a fallback so that if this is a laptop, you know you are using somewhat known and trusted IP's. ( I know, AT&T and known and trusted in the same sentence… I should just delete this entire post as I just nullified it 🙂 )

If you still can't get your machine to recognize the DNS lookup IP of your desire, I would call and get angry 🙂 , start looking for a new ISP, or really start digging deep into your system. First would be to perform a traceroute to some known location and see what devices your requests are hitting. The culprit is probably the first one. But again, if it is cable, and set within the modem itself, the CMTS ( Cable modem Termination System ) may be holding those values, in which case, `traceroute` may not show this device, and there may be nothing you can do about it.

OP: on the Bright House page, is there anywhere that says "disable this search page" or similar? Comcast tried to do DNS hijacking, calling it an add-on feature for users. Users revolted and Comcast had to add a disable feature on the pages. Perhaps you do as well. If Bright House is also RoadRunner, they most certainly are DNS hijacking: ( http://bit.ly/MpCbcI )

What is scary about this, is the assumption that they are logging and selling this data. They know what domains you go to that don't resolve, so they know what domains are most popular that don't resolve, meaning they know what domains to buy and specifically market the content their end users. And they know what domains you do go to, so they know more about you than they should. Accidentally get on some **** that they deem too offensive, young, disgusting, etc, and you could end up with a fine, Internet terminated, jail, unemployed, and otherwise guilty until you prove your innocence.

I do tend to agree with OP, at least on Safari 6. Pre Safari 6, everything worked fine where I didn't bother with the www. or the .com, it just "worked". But now, when there is no domain, I get a google search. I'm sort of OK with this, as it doesn't affect `dig` and other closer to the wire network tools ( As far as I am aware ), just a browser, but imagine if it trickled down to ftp, ssh, etc, — one single keystroke and I am sending a ton of data off to the wrong place. And it is being logged!

In summary — OP: enter in and into your system, unless you want to enter it into your router so every computer that connects to your network need not be modified. Entering into your router is probably best. When you do so, you should be able to open your DNS tab and see those IP's in a slightly grey color. Mine looks like this: http://i.imgur.com/OHMF2.png

Another thing to consider, is it is common, and arguably becoming a best practice for Search Optimization Reasons to drop the www entirely. This doesn't mean that www.example.com won't work, it just means that www.example.com hits the remote server, sees there is a www on it, strips it off, and redirects you back to example.com with no www's. There is another slowdown just introduced, and this one is out of your control, is the remote servers system that is in control of, and can also be "heavy" on the server — if it has to remove the www off of a url like:

http://www.example.com/foo/bar/page1/article1/story1.html?color=red&day=oldest&s ort=new and convert it to:

http://example.com/foo/bar/page1/article1/story1.html?color=red&day=oldest&sort= new

OP, your worry about speed because you can see the blue bar doing it's dance. I can almost assure you it is perceptual. Safari is generally faster at page loads. It may not "feel" that way, but time it down to the millisecond and it is. Tests have been done where a plain blank page is shown, then the entire webpage is show and in in as much as ~25% sooner than incrementally showing the page, slowy loading graphics and other resources over time. Near all users will say the ~25% slower page is actually loading faster. You are focusing on the progress bar, but a lot is going on in the background that you aren't focusing on, and rightly so, you shouldn't have to. In the end, you should be getting a result that is faster than most other browsers — though it is marginal, we are talking 20's of milliseconds here.

If you go into your preferences in Safari, you can turn on the "develop menu" which will allow you to open up the "Web Inspector" as seen here: ( http://bit.ly/O3SW0b ).

FireFox also has FireBug, an extension that can perform the same test, and Chrome, being based on WebKit, also has the exact same "Web Inspector" built right into it as well. So you should be able to see the exact times.

If you just want to test the time to load a page, without loading any external resources like images, JavaScript libraries, remote resources, etc, you can open your terminal and run a test:

time curl www.apple.com -o /dev/null -s

real 0m0.136s

user 0m0.009s

sys 0m0.005s

time curl apple.com -o /dev/null -s

real 0m0.212s

user 0m0.008s

sys 0m0.005s

`curl` is simply a command line tool that can download, amongst many other things. It usually prints it's own time's, but these results are too fast for the lack of precision in `curl` so I am piping them to the `time` command which has more precision, and then sending the resulting data to nowhere ( /dev/null ). This is adding in a small amount of time for writing a itty bitty bit of data to disk for a split second, but it is millisecond marginal. ( Actually, I'm not certain that sending data to /dev/null has disk I/O or not )

I did one to apple.com and one to www.apple.com so you can see in apple's case, the add back in the 'www' — which takes time — it took only .136s to load www.apple.com — but took 212s to load apple.com — then look at the URL, decide to add in the www, and return a result. So I get your point, in your case, adding in the www and com was faster, but aside from apple and google and most older sites, many sites are removing the www and just going with the straight and plain domain name.

* This is an impure test, network overhead, available bandwidth, other applications, and many other variables will never be the same from one test to another. But it gives a rough idea that is very accurate for our testing purposes. Basically, even if you don't change the url, you will never get the same result twice when deal with fractions of a second like this.

It seems Bright House is RoadRunner, so I did this search: http://bit.ly/OkaRRj

( Bright House Cable dns hijack workaround )

You may want to read up there some.

This looks promising, and then it starts to look non-promising:

( http://bit.ly/NN6Hz3 )

Here is another:

( http://bit.ly/NN6Gex )

And one more:

( http://bit.ly/NN6GLx )

Oh, and OP, you will get used to it — and I bet over time — you will like the way it works. Just in writing this, I have used Safari 6 for only as long as it took to write this. I am already starting to like it better. One issue is it is a oddly hard task to get the google search url of the page you are on. I also don't think the changes you are seeing in the address bar are Safari working out what to do, but the remote server is working out what to do. With every web-page using so many ad networks, and doing so much user tracking and analytics, it is not uncommon for a page to jump around 10 or more times before it gets to where it was supposed to go. Many of those ad networks further look up your IP and then your location. If you look in Safari 6's preferences, there is a new setting designed to combat just this scenario, ( sort of ): http://bit.ly/N1CBWd

For your PC at work, you may need to define a "default search domain", or dig deeper. *nix is my specialty, and I try to stay away from windows and even on the Mac from the GUI, spending most of my days doing some form of lite system administration.

After watching the OP's video, it is pretty clear to me that this is in fact a DNS issue. I wish I could have seen a third page load on apple.com. First was slow, second looked to load instantly, and I bet the third would have too. If for some reason ( system update, Safari update, bind/named update, Safari DNS cache clearing ) your local DNS cache may have been cleared. That would slow initial lookups down by a large degree. Your page load times are very fast, it is just that initial lookup. It could be that there is a Javascript library, such as jQuery, which pretty much everyone and their mother has in use on their site these days, and is hooked to one of many CDN's ( Content Delivery/Distribution Networks ), which is no longer cached, is a rather large file, and will halt all page loading until it is in fact cached. Or that CDN is having some issues that just happened to correlate to your testing. If you have never seen the Bright House DNS hijack page, either they just rolled it out in your area, which explains much of this, or you did a software update that nuked your DNS cache — which also explains a much of this.

I would be interested in what `time curl apple.com -o /dev/null -s` reports. I would bet it is near instant. At that point, you need to start looking into the Web Inspector and see what item(s) are slowing things down for you. I bet there is a commonality. It could be as simple as Bright House is overloaded, or they are blocking certain URL's for "your own good" reasons and Safari has to timeout those DNS lookups, which just so happen to be early enough on in the page load cycle that Safari has not yet been allowed to load any page content. This would explain why Google's Public DNS is slightly better, but the problem still exists.

Another thing to consider, is Safari also has an extension API, and there are a ton of extensions 3rd parties have made. while I wouldn't go too crazy installing hundreds of them, as you can easily overload anything, a few 10's of them won't hurt a thing. I would bet there is an extension that will add the keyboard shortcuts you desire, and even offer some customizability.

For me, I would want to first get to the root of the problem, find out why your DNS, or whatever it is, is causing these slow-downs, and then look to finding a way to add back in the behavior you desire. Or just use Chrome, it has the same backend as Safari, though tends to release a little slower from what I last recall. But again, I would want to get to the root the problem first. This page proves to me the extension is technically possible: http://bit.ly/NN70Kf

If you can't find an extension, you may try making one yourself, I an assure you, this would not be hard to make. If you want it really bad, head over to scriptlance.com and pay someone to make it, I bet $25-$50 will get you there. This is close, adding keyboard shortcuts to lots of options, I wonder if a quick, nicely asked email and a donation offer might inspire him to add such support: https://sites.google.com/site/solushex/keystroke

Apparently Apple considers the HE double hockey sticks a word worth striking out.


Jul 28, 2012 3:03 AM in response to this-is-my-alias

Interesting post - a lot to take in.

I got a little lost with your remarks about removing www. My sever can serve different sites depending upon the existence of www. In other cases removing www when it should exist (or vice versa) results in a not found. If I have misunderstood perhaps you could explain it another way for me.

I would advise not removing any trailing slash as it results in a loss of time doing an extra round trip to the server.

It would be better put Terminal commands here in a way that they can be used rather than adding backticks where they won't work, eg `dig` dsajewqueyudgs2321.com +trace +norecurse +short Also it is best to have several spaces after the command and none before.

I would prefer long correct URLs to short ones - long wrapped URLs work well here if clicked although copy/paste sometimes replaces a LF with a space.

I did not follow why you thought my G3 DNS server might be slow - I have not found it so - perhaps you could explain.

I did not follow your up/down TCP/IP clash. I have separate up and down ADSL speeds. Where does the conflict occur?

Much Apple software especially the OS does use UNIX commands. Is it your view that Apple applications in general do not or just those which are cross platform?

How do the following compare with others?

$ time curl apple.com -o /dev/null -s

real 0m0.524s

user 0m0.018s

sys 0m0.021s

$ dig dsajewqueyudgs2321.com +trace +norecurse +short

NS c.root-servers.net. from server in 5 ms.

NS d.root-servers.net. from server in 5 ms.

NS e.root-servers.net. from server in 5 ms.

NS f.root-servers.net. from server in 5 ms.

NS g.root-servers.net. from server in 5 ms.

NS h.root-servers.net. from server in 5 ms.

NS i.root-servers.net. from server in 5 ms.

NS j.root-servers.net. from server in 5 ms.

NS k.root-servers.net. from server in 5 ms.

NS l.root-servers.net. from server in 5 ms.

NS m.root-servers.net. from server in 5 ms.

NS a.root-servers.net. from server in 6 ms.

NS b.root-servers.net. from server in 6 ms.


Jul 28, 2012 7:42 AM in response to this-is-my-alias

With Safari 5.0.6 the correspondence between the text and HTML editors here is good without any of the glitches you mentioned. The correspondence between the HTML editor and the published version is almost perfect. I am unaware of any copy/paste glitches between web pages and the editors save an occasional space in place of a LF within a wrapped URL. One experienced user always edits here with Firefox - perhaps because of problems with later versions of Safari. You will find that if this forum truncates a displayed URL it will still point to the correct location. You can change this with the HTML editor if you wish.

I am still perplexed about the www - I thought you were originally giving advice to inexperienced users who know nothing about web servers. I am aware I could use one of at least 4 different ways to serve the same pages to www and non-www requests but many sites, in common with mine, do not do this.

I have used local DNS servers before but this time it was for a relatively trivial reason. When I upgraded my Netgear router to the much better DGTeam firmware I noticed that my web server logs showed the router IP for LAN requests rather than the IP of individual computers. I am not sure if the firmware changed this or if I had not noticed it before - I may have changed to DHCP at the same time. I do wish the requests would go via the internet and not be intercepted internally but that is another story. My DNS server is only used by my LAN - it forwards to I could have modified my hosts file but unless I modified all computers including visitors it would not be as satisfactory. Having done this it reminded me why I used a local DNS server several years ago - it is always considerably faster - every Mac I have ever had has been slow at resolving DNS - it is partly, but not entirely, a bloated DNS/OT cache issue. As far as I can tell it takes about 4 ms longer to go via my DNS server rather than direct to

I doubt that I will ever be aware of the speed issue. My ADSL line speed is 5 Mb/s down and 0.5 Mb/s up and my Mac's Ethernet capability is 10/100/1000Base-T.


How to I auto-add .com in Safari?

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