How to I auto-add .com in Safari?
I'm new to Mac, and trying to get used to using Safari.
In other browsers, when I type in a URL, I would use CTRL-Enter (on a PC) and the www would be added to the front of the URL, along with the .com at the end of the URL.
I can't find a similar key combo in Safari. I've done several Google searches regarding the issue, and people state that it should always be added automatically. While that's true for sites I've already visited, it's not true for sites I go to for the first time. For those sites, I end up with some Brighthouse Cable DNS search page (which I assume must have gotten redirected at the router, since there's no way the MacBook could have known I have Brighthouse cable).
Any suggestions? Or is this just the way Safari works?
MacBook Pro (Retina, Mid 2012), Mac OS X (10.7.4), My very first MacBook Pro