Can I use a mini CD in my MacBook Pro?, Can I use a mini CD in my MacBook Pro?
Does anyone know if I can use a mini CD in my MacBook Pro?
Does anyone know if I can use a mini CD in my MacBook Pro?
I shook my macbook a bit and eventually I shook out the Mini CD.
I shook my macbook a bit and eventually I shook out the Mini CD.
I agree. It will go in, but it will not read and the DVD will not come out again.
You need a tray-loading DVD reader, like in another Mac or an external stand-alone external DVD Reader. Or download the information directly from its source.
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It amazes me that people pay the kind of money that these things cost, and let's face it they're not cheap, yet don't bother to read the little booklet that comes with them to find out the basics of using the thing!!!!
No. It'll be a trip to the genius bar if you try.
Client asked me if the mini cd's would work. I answered "yep, every computer made in the last 15 years supports these mini cds"... whoops! I then had a flashback to the two decades Apple thought it was smart to have only one button on their mice. lol
Actually I made the mistake of putting a mini cd in and searched online and found this helpful site:
It was extremely helpful and I didn't need to go to the store! Yay! Whew (wiping brow!)
I'm glad I read this before I placed one of those CDs in my drive...
@Zyriab:You don't have to be a smart mouth about this...
I got it out by forcing the drive to eject, though it may take some time. No, it will not read the CD at all.
Why would you want two buttons on a mouse??
Thanx, that was really helpful! You saved the day.
Can I use a mini CD in my MacBook Pro?, Can I use a mini CD in my MacBook Pro?