Ladysko wrote:
Thanks for your reply but I don't understand how this resolves the issue - i know how to browse my own timemachine history but that only shows me my username folder and files it doesn't show you the files for a deleted user.
The question is using timemachine can you restore a file from ANOTHER user account? if so how?
If your account has administrator privileges, you can enter Time Machine and change to the /Users folder on your computer's HDD. When you scroll back in time to a date prior to having deleted the user account, the account folder and all its contents should show up. From there, you can enter and browse the account contents and restore any data you require.
It's worth noting that this only holds true for a limited amount of time. If your Time Machine backup has "rolled over" due to disk space issues, it's possible that the account data will have already disappeared. TM backups handle data in a FIFO manner (first in, first out). If you've only recently deleted the account, it should take very little effort to locate the data you need to restore.
Note: You will not be able to restore the user account in full without restoring the entire system to that particular date. You can, however, restore the enire user folder structure to /User, e.g., /Users/Karen, and browse that with administrator privileges.