Apple Mobile Device USB Driver Missing
My Apple Mobile Device Driver is missing. From where may I dnload it safely?
iPod touch, iOS 4.3.3, Windows Vista
My Apple Mobile Device Driver is missing. From where may I dnload it safely?
iPod touch, iOS 4.3.3, Windows Vista
Sometimes the USB driver for the iPhone is corrupt, meaning that iTunes never realizes what is plugged in.
For iTunes 12.5.4/iPhone 6+
This should take a few seconds, and then iTunes should come to life and see the phone. At that point, you may have to tell the phone to "trust" the computer again.
Thanks, it did the trick and all works fine again.🙂😎
Worked like a charm !!! Apple shoud write an article with your tip, my friend !! Or inform their support guys about it. They are clueless
I was lookinf a while and i was really despered !
thanks a lot!!!!!😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉
Thank you so much. Ive been trying to figure this out for weeks. Both windows support and apple support kept saying to contact eachother... Great job. 😀
Perfect, thank you!
i did this step but it still wouldn`t run as usb?! 😟
please i need your support
This was really helpful! Thank you very much!
Thank you, Chengtai2
This helped me.
Thanks after installing, uninstalling , and looking for the driver your fix worked great. So simple and so quick. I knew that that the driver for my ipod shouldn't be from Microsoft.
Clear instructions and It worked perfectly. Thanks for the great tip.
Thank you very much.
Why is this not listed in Apple's repair procedures?
Thanks to Ebnflo it finally worked. Such a headache... Happened after latest Win10 update OR latest iPhone6 update. I suspect it was iOS.
Amazing. Worked perfectly. Thank you!
Wow! Thank you soooo much! It´s been 2 days I´m trying to fix this!
You helped a lot! >.<
Thank you!!
I've been searching for an answer for two days, this was driving me crazy. I installed iTunes on my work laptop so I knew it wasn't the iPad or iPhone. Thanks for the post.
Apple Mobile Device USB Driver Missing