retina display MBP has extremely slow wifi... why?
Here's the scenario for my wifi issues with my mbp retina display. I have a regular 20Mb/s down Time Warner connection that I've been using for 2 years. My roommates' computers as well as my older 2010 MBP never had slow connectivity issues. The things I'm experiencing on my MBP now are:
- extremely slow speeds where even fails to load at times, streaming videos buffer every 15 seconds, I can't play diablo 3 anymore because it keeps giving me a time-out message (lol), my instant messenger times out so I have to reconnect.
I tried to diagnose my issue but going to any speedtest shows that my connection has a download speed of 20Mb/s which makes sense and probably has nothing to do with the slow/dc issue.
As of now, the only temporary remedy is to disconnect my wifi and reconnect (every 10-15 minutes), and I'm pretty sure no one would be content with this fix.
Is there any other diagnosis tool that I can use here to see what's going on? Anyone else have this issue?
(I've updated my software to the latest updates).
(... wow even as I submit this post, my connection timed out. Luckily this forum saves my last version of the post so whew)
MacBook Pro with Retina display, Mac OS X (10.7.4)