Want to confirm for others reading this post, apparently you can cancel a pending iOS device wipe if you follow procedures outlined in prior posts - leave the device unconnected to any network and delete it from your iCloud "find my iPhone" device list.
After a tennis match at a public park near Redmond WA I had a senior moment (lost the doubles match too...dang), left my iPad Air on a bench and drove home. One of our team's opponents noticed the iPad asked around but nobody knew who it belonged to so he took it to the only facility open in the park a sandwich kiosk run by a national chain franchisee. Many phone calls later I rushed back only to find the kiosk closed. "Find my iPhone" was not able to locate my iPad. Left a note and returned the next day. Unfortunately now manned by a different worker at the kiosk. He phoned the previous day's employee who said she left it at the kiosk...., but today's employee searched and could not find it. Funny thing when I went to a nearby sister store where yesterday's worker now was to talk to her, she mysteriously left the store before I arrived, no explanation offered. Now I'm a bit worried, so I have my wife login with my AppleID and tell "Find my iPhone" to wipe my iPad clean.
Time to kill, tried to imagine what Jeremy Bret would do, helped some, offered a reward but still no iPad found. Thankfully on Monday a very nice Redmond city park employee told us she had a good relationship with the sandwich kiosk owner and would work hard to get my iPad which had been turned in afterall by a nice fellow, but then went missing ... again, back to me. She was as good as her word and 3 days later, I was able to retrieve it from the park business office.
My previous iPad backup was a month old, so if possible wanted to cancel the prior "find my iPhone" data erase request which was still listed online as "pending". Followed the advice in this post thread to leave the iPad unconnected to any network, go into iCloud --> "find my iPhone" and delete the device. Waited a few hours for iCloud servers to percolate, then with the iPad in Airplane mode, but connected to my Mac via lightning and iTunes I backed it up multiple ways.
Happy to report that my iPad did not experience any erase event even when reconnected to our network and the internet. The next day when logged into iCloud, it was once again listed as a device in "find my iPhone" and it's location next to my Mac confirmed as a blue dot on the display map.
Learned many things, most importantly, put my contact info directly on the iPad case, which would have eliminated it's "walkabout" trip to the sandwich kiosk. Second, they really do not pay national chain franchise workers enough, which is why I contributed to the $15 NOW campaign in Seattle, one person gave into temptation, others did not. And finally, a hardworking city park employee has earned a large box of Frango chocolate mints delivered to her office with my thanks.