How do I move video in iPhoto to iMovie
All video take with my camera usually downloads into Iphoto an not into imovie. How do I get those videos out off iPhoto and into iMovie
iPhone 3GS, iOS 5.0.1
All video take with my camera usually downloads into Iphoto an not into imovie. How do I get those videos out off iPhoto and into iMovie
iPhone 3GS, iOS 5.0.1
In your iMovie event library do you not have "iPhoto Videos?" That's where they should show up.
In your iMovie event library do you not have "iPhoto Videos?" That's where they should show up.
I do have the iPhoto Video but the videos are not showing up there??
I do get the "to start a new project" screen. I try to drag the video from the desk top into that space but it rejects and goes right back to the desktop.
Is all your software up to date?
Hold down the "option" + "command" key when launching iPhoto and Repair Permissions.
I have iPhoto 11, and software up to date, will try as suggested
tries above without sucess
I recommend importing directly into iMovie instead of going through iPhoto. Open iMovie first. Connect your camera (or phone) to the computer, and if iPhoto opens, close it. In iMovie click the "import" button (looks like a camera).
I'm suspicious of iPhoto's video importing in any case, because I am not sure what format it's following. I've imported movies from my iPhone into iPhoto in much less time than it takes iMovie to import the same clip. Plus, iMovie offers the option of importing "Large" or "Full".
Export the video from iphoto and import it to iMovie
(FIle -> Export; Kind: Original)
Did you ever get a message saying something like "generating thumbnails" and click "cancel"? iMovie has to look into your iPhoto library and generate thumbnail pictures to represent the video before they'll appear there. I suspect that's why nothing is showing up under "iPhoto videos" in your Event Library. Generating thumbnails can take a long time if you have a lot of video in iPhoto.
I just about have given up. I dragged the videos from iphoto to the desktop and started a new project and attempted to drag the videos into iMovie again without sucess. I tried it also by going directly from iphot to imovie again with the same results. I also tried the File>Export>kind (original) aslo with the same results.
Have you tried the built in feature of iMovie?
Are you on 10.6.8? this might apply:
For some reason the videos are in iPhoto, but when I go to the event library in IMovie the movies are not evident in the event browser. I also found that the photos are also no longer on the SD card in my camera?
Something's unusual. Let's find out what kind of videos those are.
What does your info say? H.264? DV? Frame rate, etc.?
If the video is no longer on your camera, it may be because you checked the option "delete from camera after uploading". But it's still there on your computer, you just need to get it into a format that iMovie can recognize.
So you exported the movies as original from iPhoto. Once you did that, did you import them into iMovie? What happens when you import them?
How do I move video in iPhoto to iMovie