How do I see what is on my iCloud?
How do I see what is on my iCloud?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Mac Book Pro (OS 10.7.4 & iPhone 4
How do I see what is on my iCloud?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Mac Book Pro (OS 10.7.4 & iPhone 4
In iTunes, go to the music grid and add the column "iCloud Status". Also, the "iCloud Dowload" column is helpful see what files are local vs. which are only in iCloud.
Is your question solved? I have the same problem? Your help is much appreciated.
Roebeet has given the right answer.
How to add the column "icloud status"in music grid? No "Icloud dowload" appear.
Pull down View > View Options, select the appropriate check boxes and click OK. The download icon will only appear next to a track that is not physically on your computer.
Yep, went to the view options>column browser> all music stuff e.g. artists, albums etc. Nothing relates to icloud. I'm using computer at the moment cos trying to recover data/photo from old ipad to the new one. Sorry, I'm not good in this matter. Thanks.
Thanks for your help. How do I go to this page and iTunes match? Try to click ok on your page but no response.
Again, from my post above....
In iTunes, with iTunes Match enabled, pull down View > View options, select the options you want and click OK.
Couldn't get the above page yet. I finially found the iTunes Match key but can only chose either iTunes Match or Music.
The screen shot I posted above is not a "page." It is a dialog in iTunes. Follow these instructions:
1. Launch iTunes.
2. Pull down the View MENU and choose View Options.
3. Select the checkboxes next to "iCloud Download" (if it is not already selected) and "iCloud Status."
4. Click OK.
Again, you will ONLY see these options in the dialog if iTunes Match is enabled.
Yep. did that and back to square one. Sorry. There is no any sign/word of icloud download or icloud status. Oor how to enabled iTunes Match? Have I missed anything?
You can enable iTunes Match by pulling down the Store MENU and clicking "Turn on iTunes Match."
I'm having the same issue and I am trying to confirm that my videos uploaded from my phone to thee icloud using my phone and iPad to see whats in the icloud and no such luck. My iTunes doesn't give me those options.... Why did apple make this so difficult, Dropbox I just sign in and go to see everything!
How do I see what is on my iCloud?