Mail won't save rules
I've upgraded to Mountain Lion and now all my rules are missing. Worse, I can add a new rule, close and then reopen the app, and the newly created rule is gone. Any ideas?
Mark Allison
OS X Mountain Lion
I've upgraded to Mountain Lion and now all my rules are missing. Worse, I can add a new rule, close and then reopen the app, and the newly created rule is gone. Any ideas?
Mark Allison
OS X Mountain Lion
I have the same issue however none of my preference changes stick. Anytime i close and open Mail all of my changes are gone. I'm curious are you using SpamSieve for spam filtering? I suspect it has something to do with the iCloud syncing however I am using SpamSieve which could also be interfereing.
Not sure the answer to your problem, but I can say I have SpamSieve. No issues with my rule being imported from Lion and all rules continue to work correctly.
I didn't actually upgrade from Lion to ML so it still could be a factor but i really believe it's something with iCloud! Thanks for the response though..
A week after upgrading, all of my rules (and I had many) disappeared this afternoon. In their place was the deafult "News from Apple" rule. Argh! The rules seem to still be in the MessageRules.plist file, but they do not load.
I've the same problem now after update to OS X 10.8
I also tried to create a new user profile. The Problem is the same...
any ideas?
Hi Mark and others,
I may have a solution to your problem as the following fix worked for me.
Close Mail.
Go to… System Preferences > iCloud…
Uncheck "Documents & Data".
Open Mail and create a new rule. Quit Mail and re-open to confirm you new rule is still there.
You can then turn "Documents & Data" back on.
Everything seems to be working for me correctly since I did this.
Hope this helps,
∞ matt
hello matt,
thx it works, but whenn i turn "douments & Data" back on, new rules still want be saved.
Hi Curt4U,
Yes, it looks like we'll have to turn off "Documents & Data" everytime we need to add a new rule.
Hello all of you, and especially to those who found this old thread through a search, like I did.
I could finally get rid of the problem by deleting everything in "~/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~mail/Data/MailData/". From what I see this should be done while "Documents & Data" is turrned ON, because otherwise your changes will be overwritten when you turn it on again. When deleting the Files in Finder I received a warning that they would be removed from all other iCloud clients as well.
Siedenote: I had no rules, signatures or smart mailboxes to lose in this case, but if you do, I suggest saving those files somewhere so you might be able to avoid having to set them up again.
Hi Florian,
thanks! This info helped me getting my issue solved. 8-)
Oder auch: Danke vielmals, Florian! 8-)
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Mail won't save rules