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Where did RSS go in Safari 6???

Where the heck is the RSS reader!?!?! It was the best all round RSS reader! I DEPEND on it for thousands of feeds that I have to keep track of every day!

AND WHY wasn't there somekind of warning? Or a suggestion for an alternative? Or at least a good extension/option!?

FIX THIS ASAP PLEASE! People like me DEPEND on features like these, you CANNOT just take them away without warning when you force a software update like this!

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.7), 10GB RAM - ATI Radeon HD 5870

Posted on Jul 25, 2012 8:25 AM

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Jun 30, 2013 5:17 PM in response to ZORGALISCIOUS

Yes, I too am interested in getting the answer to that question? Why does it is seem like the longer I go along as a passive user of Apple products, and Mac software that I am buying less and less for each iteration of whatever the product maybe. For instance, in this case RSS is no longer available in a recent version of 'MAIL' the 'Bounce' program was shelved, long ago Jeeves was removed.. Why?


Aug 2, 2012 7:29 AM in response to s4lex

s4lex wrote:

The reason why I'm "investing" any of my limited time in this discussion thread is that someone or some group's decision at Apple to remove Safari 5's simply beautiful RSS functionality has made my work day less productive.

Oh BS man! Try an RSS reader like Vienna. It's better. Honest. I Missed RSS in Safari for like a couple of minutes. First I used NetNewsWire and then from reconmendation here Vienna. They are very similar, but I like Vienna better.

You will be just as productive, though I'm not sure how reading websites makes anyone productive. If you want to be productive, get off the internet!

You will for the first time see all your feeds in one window. Safari can't do that.

Sorry, but this beats Safari hands down.

User uploaded file


Sep 29, 2012 8:06 PM in response to etresoft

the whole point of why integrated RSS capability is distinctive and valuable is what i think you're missing here. i have a attached few example screenhots of how safari's implementation can work when used well. it's extremely elegant and accomplishes exactly what the rss model promised, really simple syndication, getting media delivered to the consumer on the consumers terms, in the same manner a DVR might deliver TV content on the consumers terms. its like the difference between having to use one remote to watch the shows you want or two. in your model its like you have a third remote in the picture to let you know when you have shows, totally pointless and actually counter to the whole idea.

i have at least 50 to 100 different feeds of varying prioties in various submenus of my toolbar on average during a weekday there would be be several updates per minute. some i only want to see the number im not even looking at the content, some i actually consume most of the content without even visiting the site myself. people who have similar workflows to me when it comes to these things know what im talking about this is a huge step backwards in terms of UX.User uploaded fileUser uploaded fileUser uploaded file


Sep 30, 2012 7:24 AM in response to poddan

poddan wrote:

A question to you, is it possible to build an extension that works the same way as Safaris built-in?

I think so. Safari extensions are restricted to HTML5, CSS, and Javascript. There is a jQuery plug-in to parse RSS feeds. In theory, one could connect the two.

I will buy it in a second.

That is a harder question. Safari extensions are pretty hard to monetize. A Safari plug-in would be more powerful and a little bit easier to control vis-à-vis copyright. You couldn't get either into the Mac App Store.

For me RSS belongs to the browser. I don't want to switch between apps or have it in notification center. To have the feeds in the toolbar with notifications is a very nice and clean way to have it.

Safari is the only browser that has evicted RSS feeds. I don't know about Chrome. It probably directs you to Google reader. Firefox definitely still does RSS.

You can use an iPad user agent, a bookmarklet, and route feeds through Apple's mobile RSS reader:

User uploaded file

I don't really like the mobile reader but I'm not going to have time to do a mobile reader myself for several months.


Oct 6, 2012 9:51 AM in response to ZORGALISCIOUS

Hi, I'm still on Lion, had updated to Safari 6 and now back on 5 again for my feed-needs.

a couple of days ago I updated Lion to 10.7.5, still have Safari 5 with RSS. Suddenly I was wondering if these 'previous...' and 'page-number' buttons has been here all along underneath the RSS-feeds, when the option "View All" is active. Never seen them before.

Ofcourse I'm hoping someone at apple is working on a fix, but it could be just a flaw because of the Safari 6/5 switch and OS X updates. So did anyone see these before?

User uploaded file

User uploaded file


Jul 26, 2012 10:18 AM in response to ZORGALISCIOUS

I agree. The RSS feature in Safari is needed. RSS is part of the web and the implementation in Safari pre-6 was simple enough that it should be retained. It was a mistake to drop this feature.

I've posted feedback here..http://www.apple.com/feedback/safari.html

I'd suggest we continue to provide this link in this thread so others can voice their concerns. Apple IS listening.



Jul 27, 2012 2:19 AM in response to ZORGALISCIOUS

Hi everyone it is great that everyone wants RSS back in Safari

You can add me to that too. It is really important to realise though that you need to submit your feedback here:


Apple do not monitor this forum for feature requests etc so let them know using the feedback link


Jul 27, 2012 6:15 AM in response to Allan Eckert

OK we get the message YOU like Vienna. However, just because you like it, doesn't mean that everyone else will, or that Vienna answers to their needs. I don't and it doesn't. Sarafi 5 and RSS were perfectly integrated. Web sites used RSS feeds, you read the feed and then if you needed to linked straight to the web page and never once had to leave the browser window. Vienna is a COMPLETELY different solution. You have to switch between programmes everytime you want to go between feed and web page. You might like it, but to me it ***** and just doesn't work in the seamless way Safari used to work. As Jason and others have mentioned if you are as hacked off and annoyed at Apple's absolutely stupid and idiotic decision to remove this feature, complain about it here



Jul 27, 2012 2:34 PM in response to ZORGALISCIOUS

Thank you to all the lovely people who are kindly suggesting, try this app or that alternative, but the answer is NO thank you.

RSS feeds are discovered in the browser and should be able to be read in the browser without round tripping to some other app that needlessly takes up time and ram.

Apple should have NEVER included RSS support in Safari if they intended on pulling it.

They simply need to return RSS functionality to Safari.

Those who like using a third party news reader continue using it. That is not an acceptable solution for the rest of us who want the feature returned immediately.

Send Feedback:



Jul 27, 2012 2:56 PM in response to ZORGALISCIOUS

Removing the RSS Reader in Safari with no heads up prior, I think its obvious Apple did that because they knew this information would light up forums/blogs everywhere and cause a lot of bad press. I hope it still does! We all need to light up apple feedback and any other forum or blog who will let us vent.

Another obvious thing is the link to the app store in the message you get that safari can't open an RSS feed. Nickle and diming us to pick an app. Sure there may be a free reader but as we all know, usually you get what you pay for. So what, now I have to leave the browser and open up another tool to do what I used to do in one? And the logic of that is? I know the $$$ logic. The developer logic. But this current logic escapes ALL Safari users,....most likely, at least in my case, former Safari user. Not touching it until RSS comes back. Not holding my breath tho.

I'll tell you what, just this alone stopped me in my tracks from updating my other machines and I got on the horn right away and told my friends not to update to Mountain Lion. Makes me happy that I still have a fully functioning PPC, a loaded/maxxed mac pro that I will now be using a lot more, especially for web browsing. But lets face it, we are all hogged tied when it comes to using most of our mac products. We'll have to upgrade hardware or software at some point and then the proverbial pootch will be screwed, and Apple knows it.

BAD move Apple. Very bad move.


Send Feedback:http://www.apple.com/feedback/safari.html


Jul 28, 2012 3:56 AM in response to Allan Eckert

I've tried Vienna and EtreFeed now. Neither provide me with the integrated experience that Safari <6 provided. The "update" count in the toolbar, the summary list of entries with one click and a hot link to the source page... they all belong in Safari.

Please ask Apple to bring RSS functionality back to Safari.



Jul 28, 2012 11:57 AM in response to ZORGALISCIOUS

I thought there was a slim chance that Apple removed RSS support by mistake, but I see now that they have removed it completely from the official Safari Features page too.


So they actually removed it in cold blood and made sure that this was not mentioned in the release notes or communicated at all. This is completely unacceptable. I have sent Apple product feedback again.

<Edited By Host>


Where did RSS go in Safari 6???

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