Can I no longer change fonts in Safari 6?
I find no prefs in Safari for changing to my preferred font. ???
I find no prefs in Safari for changing to my preferred font. ???
I also ask that Apple bring back Apearance control panel for font customization. I will use another browser until this dumb decision is reversed. I am angry about this. What's going on with Apple software lately?
Apple is in the process of removing font control. The next version of Pages will have NO font control. And it makes sense because . . . who needs it?
Maybe my sarcasm detector is broken, but font control is most certainly NOT being removed from Pages. What are we doing, going back to the days of text editors and DOS? No sophisticated application is going to take away the ability to change fonts, sizes and styles. Even this little box, while you can't change the font or size, allows you to apply bold, italics, underline and strikeout.
Who needs it? Anyone who wants to create a document that has design elements and readability to it. You could not create a document like this without font control. And if it doesn't have it, then Pages has no function as you could simply use a text editor:
(And that's Apple's own promotion for Pages).
I also believe that Apple made a mistake by removing font control from the browser. While it's irrelevant for websites where the fonts are controlled via HTML, there are still plenty of sites that just use default fonts and the choices are usually horrible. There's no good reason that I can think of to have taken this away. This is just about Apple's usual arrogance about how people should work.
In fact, I believe we should have font control in the Mail program in iOS as well. Why are we constantly taking steps backwards? The Mac made its reputation with introducing fine typography into a computer for the first time. Are we going back to 1983? If Apple doesn't do it, you know that Android and/or Windows mobile will (if they don't already).
I've had Apple kit since the 90's and have been a Zealot for the cause for many years. I am responsible for many people moving to Apple on my recommendation but I am slowly migrating over to Windows. Safari is one reason eg
I recognise I'm a Gen 1 Apple user and my time is over. The iPod was really the start when Apple moved from beautiful software to beautiful hardware. People like me are no longer their focus, we stuck with the hardware, and persevered with the early versions iMovie, Numbers, Pages and FC Pro but our time is over, the new Apple consumer is attracted to shiny over substance, and Apple is obliging.
Rant over.
Go to:
Click on the "more" tab.
Click on "other"
Scroll all the way to the bottom. As of now there are 2 options for font changes.
1 being "Helvetica the world" and the other "google fonts for safari"
Limited but at least you have choices.
Thanks for the tip, tried but apparently that developers server is offline.
I just do the simpler thing anymore, I use FireFox for sights that I need to control the font myself. I know why it is discouraged but old eyes need the ability, I wouldn't want to switch fonts if I could read what the publisher used. I am using a 55 inch monitor and the skinny flat trend that the UNIX boys insist I use just don't cut it. I hate iOS 7 for the same reason, buttons and slides that are near invisible. Had to give up mu iPhone and switch to an iPad because I can't reat the buttons. I also use a different browser than Safari on the iPad for all the same reasons. Iuse Atomic Web that allows me to set the font size for each domain I visit.
Pablofp, my issue, is with the Safari toolbars, tabs, etc. The zoom functions act on the website you are viewing, not on the Safari UI/toolbars. There are ways, as you point out, to deal with website copy. I realize this is several years later and I may be getting to the point where I am forced to upgrade to Yosemite.
Can I no longer change fonts in Safari 6?