Hi All,
I just wanted to say thank you to the Apple Engineers, for bringing out a maintence update so quickly
I did the following
remove my exchange accounts ( i have 2)
remoted the ~/library items such as the ews mail accounts, i remoted my addres book folder and also the ical in app support (only do this if you only have exchange accounts)
I then re added one of my exchange accounts in the system preferences, but did not tick everything
I have left the settings as there were, ie am using autodiscover
My email loaded, but i have to select each mail box and also rebuild each (tedious but worth it)
I then went back to check the contacts in the system prefferences
opened contacts
checked the settings, contacts appeared
did the same for ical
and also reminders
added my second exchange account
Things are looking ok, but just need time to rebuild
so thank you to Apple engineers, its looking good at this stage cross fingers