Wireless mouse difficulties are a long-standing problem, have been for years. All sorts of problems, all sorts of software and hardware affected. Lots of posts on it for years. Many people have sent Feedback to Apple but there seems to be no solution for many of the problems. Even my Genius Bar at the Apple Centre could not cure it. New ones keep appearing.
One problem might be the use of unstable software such as Shareware, which upsets a Mac, depending on what Operating System it has; other software; what the user is doing at a particular, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. Also, pressing the ESCAPE key helps me with one of my present problems. Also, keep your mouse batteries fresh, or charged, and/or Restart you Mac before you need to use Photoshop. Close down other applications and utilities.
My advice is just clench you teeth, curse, tear your hair out (again) and send feedback to Apple at:
(It won't make any difference! It hasn't for years!)
However, I will try your idea of hiding the dock.
(By the way, saying "Please do something...and do it fast!" on this Discussion is no help — we are just users like you. It is Apple who should be doing something.)