I had the same issue on my MBPr (on my 3rd replacement for screen issues, but that's another story)
Huge swap files without any pageouts and lots of ram free. My setup was MBPr 512gb, 16gb on ML.
Did some research and it turns out this is definitely attributed to power management and specifically standby mode.
Sleep mode is when everything powers down but RAM is preserved by keeping its power on.
Standby mode is when the contents of the RAM are written to the disk and it too powers down bringing the whole system in a minimum power consumption mode.
Only the new macs have a standby mode.
How this works:
after the mac has been in sleep for 4200 seconds (default value) or 70 mins,
all the contents of the RAM (which was still drawing power) are written to the disk
then the RAM is powered down as well.
This is what creates the swap file!
The size of the swap files depends on the amount of RAM that was being used when switching from sleep to standby mode.
Upon waking, the swap file is passed back from the disk to the RAM. That is why there is a short delay (5-20 sec, YMMV) for the mac to wake.
this delay is avoided if you wake your mac before it has a chance to enter stanby (<70 mins)
How to solve it:
It has been suggested to change hibernation mode. This works but it has other RISKS!
there are three hibernation or sleep modes (for our purposes hibernation=sleep here)
default for desktop macs: RAM always stays powered. it is not written to disk and if you lose power you lose what was stored in RAM
default for laptops: RAM stays powered but is also written to disk. If power is lost the contents of RAM are retrieved from disk and no data is lost.
This is what all the laptops have been using until the introduction of standby mode with MB air and MBPr.
RAM is written to disk and powered down. when waking data is restored from disk.
see: https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/Darwin/Reference/ManPages /man1/pmset.1.html
If you change to hibernate mode=0 or 1 (1 is not supported by apple) when your battery dies you will lose what was in the RAM.
Standby mode is essentially a mix of mode=3 and mode=25 with a set delay between them.
The bottom line:
If you want to get rid of the swap files DO NOT change your hibernate mode. Just disable the standby mode.
What you get: your mac will not dreate the swap file. It will wake instantly no matter how long it has been in sleep for. If your battery dies while in sleep mode, you will not lose any data as they are ssaved to disk as well.
The only downside is that without standby mode, your battery will drain faster when the mac is sleeping and not connected to power. (that said it should last a couple days in sleep mode)
What apple advertises as 30 day standby mode is the actual standby mode not the sleep mode.
If you are ok with that, (this has been the bahaviour of all macs until the MBPr and the new Airs that support standby) go ahead and disable standby mode.
but DO NOT change your hibernate mode.
to disable standby:
type in terminal:
sudo pmset -a standby 0
it will ask for your password
type it (even though nothing will appear on screen for security reasons) and hit enter
BONUS the best of three worlds...
you can instead change the time it takes for the mac to enter standby mode.
IMHO this is the best solution.
make your mac go to standby mode after 6 or so hours of sleeping. that way you get all the benefits plus the battery savings and you only have to wait longer to wake if you havent used it in over 6 hours. This of course means that if you wake it after 6 hours the huge swap files will be there again.
if that sounds good to you change the defaut value from 4200 to what suits you. (6 hours would be 21600)
to do that:
sudo pmset -a standbydelay 21600
That's it! Hope this helped
Sorry for the long post. Had to make sure it is all clear.