Thanks for replying.
seventy one, I understand you only hear of the odd one when there are millions of users I expect, however once I started googling, it seems quite a few people have the same problem. Im just surprised that this is still an issue a few years later. The ideas to solve the problem are really good, but blowed if I know why you should have to do that. BTW I have tried several different batteries.
bjprc, I did indeed try the alfoil...good idea, but no luck. Strangely enough I noticed when the tech in store tested it on day I bought it that it didnt seem right, but never having used one before thought nothing of it. It has always been very iffy, but past few days just not worth the casing it is made of. I certainly will be taking it back. just a flipping nusance as the shop is some distance away, so could be a while. Not to worry, wont be losing sleep LOL, I bought a Logitech today and everything is working normal again. 🙂
Nice to chat about it though.