MacBook Pro loses access to 1 memory slot upon shutdown or reboot in OS X 10.8.1
I have had 4GB of RAM in my mid-2009 13-inch MacBook Pro since a few weeks after purchasing it in 2009. Until a couple of weeks ago, this machine has been running OS X 10.6.8 with no RAM issues. I wanted to wait for 10.8.1 before doing a clean install of Mountain Lion on this MacBook So, the day that 10.8.1 was released to the App Store I immediately purchased and downloaded the new OS. I then performed a clean install of the OS, got all my software setup, and all was right with my MacBook.
However, over the next week I noticed upon startup or reboot of the machine everything felt sluggish. I opened the activity monitor and clicked on the system memory tab, it showed 2GB. I immediately clicked on the About This Mac button to see how much RAM was installed, it showed only one 2GB stick installed (the other memory slot was empty). The next option I chose was to restart the computer. Upon startup it still only showed one 2GB stick. Next, I shutdown the computer, opened the back cover, and proceeded to remove both 2GB sticks of memory. I blew out the slots with compressed air, swapped the positions of each stick and reseated the memory.
I started up the computer and to my pleasant surprise both memory slots were recognizing 2GB each (4GB total). I thought this had permanently resolved the issue, but unfortunately after every shutdown or reboot my MacBook (without fail) loses access to the second memory slot, unless I remove and reseat the memory.
This problem did not start until after installing 10.8.1. I have tried countless SMC and PRAM resets. Please help.
MacBook Pro, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.1), 13-inch, Mid 2009, 4GB RAM, 500GB