iPhone 5 "Preparing for Shipment" Status
Just in case anyone was wondering about the status of their shipment. If you have a status that says, "Preparing for Shipment," it most likely has shipped via UPS. In order to find out for sure:
-Go to UPS.com
-Track by Reference
-Type in your phone number, Country and zip code
It will pull up your tracking number and package. Here, it will tell you that it will delivered on the 21st by the end of the day. However, you might also notice that shipment progress hasn't been updated and there is a reason for this. UPS has a message specifically for the iPhone 5, which I pasted below.
Important information for iPhone Customers
Apple has required that UPS deliver iPhone shipments to customers on and not before Friday, September 21, 2012. iPhone’s are scheduled for Friday, September 21 2012 and have a delivery commitment of the end of day.
Why isn't my package moving? The packages are being staged in key locations and moved on a coordinated schedule for delivery on the shipper's planned release date, Friday, September 21, 2012.
Anyways, I just wanted to post this for anyone who was wondering about the status.