If you want to know your apps are in google play store. Go to www.google.com, click on play, it shows all the apps that you may need. At first, I thought itune store has more apps than Android, not true, after I got my Samsung s3, I found out that it is other way around
of course, you may give up one or two apps. (highly unlikely.. but there are free app replacement.. for example..I used to have this app. in iphone called vehcal, but not in googly play any more. I found other app just for that... also free... but of course, if you still keep your iphone, you can stilll use it , just use it as device... Another example, i know you can do it from jail-breaking it, Teamviewer has something called quick transport where you can remote your phone from your pc. Can iphone do that?! Yes, only if you have jail breaking phone.
On and on.. you can check it out first from google play store before you make your decision. I actually checked it out before I switched and Android tablet.
Besides, S3 does have bigger phone, you just have to get used to it. I say S3 is a smart device with phone and countless functionability, while Iphone4s or 5 is a smart phone with limited functionality.
I guess I have more apps than you in my Android apps! ah..yea, if you do play games, they got free ones too!
Good luck !