In my humble oppinion, we don't need a Beautiful Map! We need something that works!
Maps from IOS 5 worked good, we also can find bus routes! Amazing! But now we can't find bus routes and, if can, the routes are wrong!
Maybe a couple of people are thinking: "But if you have iPhone/iPad, spending a lot of money buying an idevice, you need to take bus?" The answer is completly simple: not just me, but a lot of people!
I am currently living in China, that if you are in a bus, one person of four has iPhone! It means, 25% of a poputation that ride bus are not interested to open Apple Maps because, because... It is useless for them (and for me).
It is difficult to everybody understand why it is necessary a good map with bus routes… but even Chineses is totally dificult to figure it out the exactly bus line and bus station to take the right bus and go somewhere. There are lots here!
So, please, build a Map that works, simply works. 3D view is just makeup, spending too much money to build something usefull instead of build usefull tools.
Hope someone concern about a oppinion from milions of Chineses Apple users..