Half-Summary, Half-Deduction:
The issues popped out for some people during their use of any version of iOS 6, but not the newest one (.1.2), unless your iPhone was already affected by it. For me, it was around a month after I upgraded from .0 to .0.1.
Gathering info from other discussion pages, I'm assuming that these issues started with the beforementioned "cellular stability" issues on iOS 6, 6.0.1 and 6.1. It uses up random data even if both your Cellular and Wi-Fi are off. This resulted in an overheating of the Wi-Fi chip, which also resulted in a temporary shutdown of the chip. Unfortunately, even with the chip cooled, the software on iOS 6 still give out a signal to the chip, saying that "TOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOT". Bang, perma Wi-Fi grey.
So most of the discussions say that iHeat/iFreeze should enable the Wi-Fi. They are both right, the temperature change could result in new data being sent to the chip, enabling the Wi-Fi. Unfortunately, after some time, the Wi-Fi loses its power, resulting in weak signals or a complete loss of Wi-Fi, while the button is still able to slide on and off. In this state, battery drain doesn't exist and should function as usual.
Here comes the fun part. If (and only if) you do a restart of the phone, the Wi-Fi will turn back to grey. In nerd talk, this is restarting iBoot (restarting Springboard should have no effect). That being said, after Wi-Fi greyes out, the battery drain comes back.
Lets take a look at both .1.1 and .1.2 updates:
- The former states that it fixes the cellular issues. Check, but no Wi-Fi issues are fixed.
- The latter states that it fixes the Calendar bug, which in turn fixes the battery drain issue. It's half and half on this one. .1.2 fixes iPhones which are NOT affected by the greyed out issue, while in turn does not fix the battery drain issue in iPhones which are affected by the greying out prior to the update.
- Upgrading to iOS 6.1.2 directly from any iOS version should (Note: SHOULD, I am not responsible for what happens to your iPhones) not affect your Wi-Fi in any way, but anything before that (iOS 6.0, 6.0.1, 6.1, 6.1.1) has a chance of doing precisely what has annoyed everyone since the introduction of iOS 6.
So let's see:
1. iPhone has a chance of greying out whichever iOS 6 version you are on.
2. Updating does not solve the problem, maybe even causing it.
3. .1.2 only applies to those who have not been affected by the greying out.
P.S. Note that I am only making a deduction here, and not the absolute truth. I gathered some information here and there, and came up with this. Anyone who finds flaws in this are welcome to criticise (Please don't troll me, I'm scared of trolls 😟).
"Sent from my iPhone 4s running iOS 6.1.2 with Wi-Fi disabled and no data plan....." Just kiddin'.
Also, this is maybe loosely related to the XBox issues, a.k.a RING OF DEATH. 👿👿👿👿.