Built-in dictionary missing after IOS 6 update
Hello I've installed the new IOS 6 but where is the dictionary built -in? It's disappeared completely. How can I have it back? I really need it. Please help me
iPod touch, Windows Vista
Hello I've installed the new IOS 6 but where is the dictionary built -in? It's disappeared completely. How can I have it back? I really need it. Please help me
iPod touch, Windows Vista
Same problem here..need help..
I had the same promlem - I highlighted a word, clicked 'define' and then 'download dictionary' and now it's working fine.
Thanks, this solved the problem. Befor it wasn't connected to WiFi. Mine is a WiFi only model.
Hi, same problem with me but when I highlight a word even "Define" does not appear. What could be the cause?
Make sure your device is connected to the internet. Then you'll see the "define" . Click "define". This will download the dictionary...
Thx for the advise but even with WiFi on there is no "Define"........
Sorry...I've no solution.....
Mine too. In Japan, if your phone was in English setting the dictionary would provide an English translation of a Japanese word when you selected "define" (and vice versa) This translation is totally gone in iOS6. On my phone I never (and still dont have) a download dictionary feature after tapping define.
Why remove functionality?? ..it doesn't make sense 😟
Same problem here, no define option even appears.
Same problem. I was on data when it made me download the dictionary. Now, I'm on wifi and I was looking for the define button but it's not there anymore 😟
I was also sad to see that the translation fuction is gone. In iOS 5 I could highlight a word in Japanese and see the English translation. Now I get a definition in Japanese instead, which is not at all what I want or need.
Go to Settings / General / International and set the language to "British English". Exit settings and highlight a word. The "define" option should be displayed. Once you select define, iOS will prompt you to download the dictionary. Let it finish the download completely--don't hit the "Done" button. This is a workaround, but it's better than nothing.
Thx Jake. This solved the annoying problem. When I did put back language back to Dutch (I am Dutch) it still did function. So thanks again (10 points!).
I don't know about the update, but in iOS 5 the direction of Eg-Jp dictionary could be switched depending on which Keyboard you put higher on the list.
What language are you attempting to use the dictionary in btw? I tried this technique & it downloaded the British English dictionary fine but it appears to more an issue of integration now.
My 4s still refuses to translate Japanese - English (tho it does work E -> J). I think I'm going to have to go to an Apple store & annoy them directly. This is a big issue for me, so far iOS6 has given me nothing but headaches due to their maps in Japan being a total joke, and now this. iOS6 has only reduced my phones effectiveness & usability.
Built-in dictionary missing after IOS 6 update