iPhone5 bluetooth not working
Bluetooth in iPhone 5 is not working. It is not recognizing the bluetooth devices even though its turned on.
iPhone 5, iOS 6
Bluetooth in iPhone 5 is not working. It is not recognizing the bluetooth devices even though its turned on.
iPhone 5, iOS 6
What are you trying to do with them?
having the same problem as my Iphone 5 cannot connect with my Jabra devices, it worked fine with my previous 4 and 4s.
there is a problem and Apple has ignored it.
The same on my iPhone . I am brazilian and I bought here on Brazil and it has the same problem here too.
When I turn my bluetooth on. It just stay ( Searching............ For devices and doesn't find any device. )
I alteady tested it with other Apple's devices and no one was found.
Please Apple look for us.
My iPhone is the 5.
What devices are you looking for and what are yountrying to do with Bluetooth.
iPad, iPhone 5, iPhone 4/4S. And Other kind of device either.
And my iPhobe 5 just (Searching.....for new devices and doesn't find anything)
And, I'm trying to transfer photo/videos/documents.
And the other devices doesn't find me too.
IOS has never had the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) profile so you cannot sync with Bluetooth between the devices iDevices to transfer files. The only exception is som apps use the Personal Area Network (PAN) to play games or share photos between iDevices.
My pdf's wont sync through iBooks. I have internet on my phone but not on my pad. Bump doesnt allow me to exchange files over 10Mb. I was hoping to exchange files or keep devices in sync with one another. Other devices can't find me either.
Has anyone spoken to a genius about this matter?
It won't sync PDFs as, again, it does not contain the FTP profile. No need to speak to a Genius.
Hum! Now I know. But the big problem is not to transfer files. My iPhone doesn't find other ones.
It won't find other iPhones and pair unless there is a valid BT profile to be used. For PAN you pair through the app, for tethering you can pair directly.
I'm sorry, but my English is not so good. Are you talking to me that there is an app that can help me to find other devices? Which one is it, because I downloaded one app. But it didn't find too.
What about connecting to external headphones n speakers?
Search for the word Bluetooth in the App Store
You can connect to Bluetooth headphones at speakers.
iPhone5 bluetooth not working