iPhone5 bluetooth not working
Bluetooth in iPhone 5 is not working. It is not recognizing the bluetooth devices even though its turned on.
iPhone 5, iOS 6
Bluetooth in iPhone 5 is not working. It is not recognizing the bluetooth devices even though its turned on.
iPhone 5, iOS 6
So, maybe all IPhone users should change them for Samsung Galaxy S4????aaaa????? At least BT is working)))))..... Apple should fix it immediately !!!!!!!!
I know several people with the iPhone 5 and none of them are having Blutooth issues. If it is an iPhone problem why would it work for me and not for you?
Daruzka wrote:
So, maybe all IPhone users should change them for Samsung Galaxy S4?
The Galaxy S4 is a very nice phone. I have one. If it meets your needs better than an iPhone, it is certainly what you should get.
I don't have BT problems on either my Samsung or my iPhone.
Best of luck.
And I know several people with iPhone 5 who ARE having these problems, myself included.
Mine will work fine for days then will start dropping out during song playback & phone calls or will just not connect at all. Then it will go back to working fine. No logical reason.
Deggie just because you are not having a problem does not mean other users do not have an issue.
I never had these problems with my iPhone 4 or 4s, only with the 5.
WHat do you mean, Why it is work for you and not work for me? What Kind of question is that ????no , you are really funny dude
I Agree that Samsung is good phone, but that is problem, I don't want Samsung, I don't like work with Android. I like iPhones , but this thing about BT really let me down. Small thing ruined everything
Adam, this guy is so ridiculous. I can't understand him at all
Daruzka wrote:
I Agree that Samsung is good phone, but that is problem, I don't want Samsung, I don't like work with Android. I like iPhones , but this thing about BT really let me down. Small thing ruined everything
It appears you currently have two choices. Live with/fix this "small thing" or get a different phone.
For most users, BT works just fine on the iPhone 5. You have never posted a question about BT, never asked for help troubleshooting it, never indicated that you have sought assistance from Apple (your phone is still under warranty). So really, all you're doing here is complaining. That's not going to accomplish much.
Best of luck.
I think that.
Transfer Files by BT is essential.
Then that should be first thing to check on your list when you buy a phone. Make a list of the rest of the features that are essential to you.
iPhone have never allowed file transfers vua bluetooth and probably never will.
Most Android phone do allow it. I admit it has been useful to simply transfer my entire phone book to another phone through buetooth but it's not a must have feature I have ever needed. There are also limits to the file sizes that can be transfered through bluetooth.
Then how can we transfer the Photos ,music and Video from one iPhone to another iPhone,iPad or Macbook.???
Since Bluetooth is not an option, it's simply not possible to transfer anything to or from an iPhone. 😉
Seriously, start by taking a look at the manual. If you have further questions about transferring data, start your own thread and people will be happy to help you work through them:
Best of luck.
Yes, read the manual. Transfers to iPhones and iPads are done by using iTunes or you can email or text message pictures between phones.
My Iphone 5 bluetooth also is not working. I bought my bluetooth speaker and when I turned ON it's bluetooth, then I go to my iphone5 settings-->Bluetooth and from OFF--to--ON, it keeps on searching Devices for infinite time....
iPhone5 bluetooth not working