I spoke with "Robert" in Tech support. You reach tech support by calling to report a device problem 800-922-0204, reaching customer service and telling them you need to speak with Tech support.
Robert told me that every ticket I had opened previously with VZW was pointless because those tickets only go to the local tower team.
Robert stated that the way that these issues are escalated inside of Verizon is via their internal "device forum", which is similar to the Community on verizonwireless, but only accessible by members of their technical staff.
There is no way to reach Robert back again thanks to VZW not allowing any direct inbound communication.
Robert posted a forum post internally at VZW under the following title:
"iphone 5 loses 4g lte"
Posted: 10-02-2012 3:53P ET
He claims this post will also be found if they are under your device (iPhone 5) and simply search for "lte" in the forum.
My request to EVERYONE experiencing this problem is to immediately call VZW at 800-922-0204 and register the behavior you are experiencing with them, ask them to add your information to this forum post and ask them to TEXT YOU confirmation that this was done. Texting you gets recorded on your account for future reference.