Over the past week or so, I've been in contact with Apple "executive support". I sent Tim Cook a strongly worded email, and he passed it along to his flunkees to follow up on. A bunch of wasted time is all it was! Here's what happened with me.
Mike Hatch, a very polite guy working in Executive Customer Support "on behalf of Mr. Cook" contacted me a day or two after I sent my email. He went over the details of my complaint (time/date issue and WiFi issues) and told me he wanted to escalate it to tech support. I thought since I was speaking with "executive" support that I might get an "executive" tech support rep of some sort.. but no luck. I spoke to a kid who sounded much younger than myself (and I'm only 30), and while he was quite knowledgeable, wasn't able to offer much help.
According to him, 6.1 was supposed to address the time/date issue. I agree with other posters -- the description of that update doesn't even mention it. However, I haven't experienced the issue lately so I didn't press the issue. I'm not the best example though, since it rarely happened to me to begin with.
As for the WiFi issues, he just went over the basic troubleshooting with me. Told me what kind of security to use, made sure MAC address filtering wasn't on, etc etc. Of course I'm able to use google and do this stuff without step-by-step instruction, so all of my settings were already correct. So, after all of that, he gave me the same answer as the tech support rep I spoke to in the beginning: take my information and forward it to the engineers. REALLY?! The phone has been out five months and I can't even connect to my home WiFi router. Luckily, there is a workaround of downgrading the firmware that allows me to connect, but after five months I shouldn't have to still be using a workaround. This is getting absolutely ridiculous! Oddly enough, my parents' router looks like the same one as mine and I connected at their house the other day without a problem. I'm going to have to look into that.
Anyhow, executive support was no different than regular support. They all say the same things, the executive support reps just announce that they are "calling on behalf of Mr. Cook." They provided no answers or resolution, and then acted like they were so happy they could help me. Seriously guys... you were no help at all! I still can't connect to my router and there are plenty of people who still can't get the correct time. GET IT TOGETHER.