IOS 6 Possible Reason for Y AppStore/iTunes Crashes
Possible Solution that I might of found.
1st. I backuped to my iCloud
2nd. I Went into
>Erase All Content and Settings
3rd. I set it up as new
4rth. I went to App Store
5rth. I went to Genuis and no crashes yet.
6th. I went to Search and search Angry Birds, it crashed once.
7th. I went to iTunes
8th. I went to Search
9th. No crashes yet.
10th. I went back to App Store and went back to Genuis (no crashes) and went to Search and search Temple Run and then Angry Birds, it loaded just fine with no crashes.
What my theory is when our data got updated to the new IOS version and we backed it up, and then reset the iPod and try to set it up from our backup and still had problems, my theory is that our backup with the new IOS got currupted by going throu iTunes or OTA. While other people didn't.
I went to BestBuy Wedesday and tryed there iPod Touch 4G 32gigs that is on display, it is running IOS 6 and I run the App Store and the iTunes. The Search and the Genuis tab, I search alot of things and guess what, it did not crash. So i talked to one of the BestBuy people that was working there and he doesnt have any idea to help me but his iPhone 4 running ios 6 is running perfectly fine.
There was no Apple People there that day to ask them about it.
I'll come back after I reset it and restore from my iCloud if its still existing. If so, So totaly unfair that we have to lose our app data to have these 2 apps working correctly..
Like I said in my Theory, its just a Theory I came accross doing it to let you guys know.