Finally its not just me!!! Apple wake up forget maps and other stuff just drop it and look at this hardware/software ISSUE!!!!....
This is a major issue and thought I was on my own with this, Apple have you changed the cirrus audio chip compared to the 4s because if you have to make it lighter well I don’t care I would prefer it heavier and have a better sound output and quality to boot?
I have been to an apple store at the weekend and can confirm that one of the guys there said yes its noticeable but he tested it against a 4s, he replaced the iPhone 5 for a brand new one and yep you guessed it exactly the same volume issues 15-20% lower output but I had left the shop at this point, I’m a musician and I use ultimate custom ears with my phone so I know I’m right.
Seriously guys you need to address this issue rapidly!!, I’m a fan and so is a friend of mine and we both have loads of apple products but concerning the iPhone 5 we both felt like they missed the boat and that possibly the 4s could be the peak when jobs was at the helm making sure every little detail was sorted before shipping.
So Apple - like other users say why/what/and when?
- can a patch fix this volume issue? ios 6.1
- cirrus audio chip used is of lesser quality than 4/4s?
- 3.when do we expect something to be done about it?
I'm actually contemplating exchanging for a 4s and getting my money back as apps aren’t fully using the screen yet it’s not blazing fast to the point am amazed and lightening adaptor...don’t even get me started...but I would, purely to just listen to my music at a volume I control, oh and new ear pods...rubbish if I worked there I would just ship the product with a controller and let customers buy headphones separately???
Apple seems a bit lost at sea and WHY did they let it ship so soon? This is not what we have come to expect from a class leading company.