I've posted twice here on all this. I've read just about every reply. I bought my iPad3 in September. I'm not going to upgrade to the 4 as the only difference is the A6 chip and LTE: which I get on my Droid Razr Maxx and wifi my iPad 3 onto. The reality is, there will be no big discernable difference between my A5 Quad Core and the A6. This is because the iPad does not have the ability to utilize full version softwares, where a processor speed is more notable.
If I have Photoshop, Dreamweaver & MS Word on my Macbook Pro, all opened at the same time, a faster processor would be great. Yet, most are using pafs for email, Facebook, web surfing, iPhoto, iTunes, etc. While Apos, most are not full version. Thus, the new chip won't be as grest as being sold as.
While some think the"whinners" should get over it, one needs to consider the issues.
For many, there isn't am issus, especially in the US because the new mosel isn't worth dumping your 3. Yet, I can understand those in the UK, Australia and other countries where 4G LTE exists, but the 3 couldn't conndct. In thus group, you have folks who bought the 3 within month of the 4's release. Knowing the 4 would be LTE compatible, Apple should have notified them of a pending release.
I have 3 friends who work for Apple. They work at the Apple stores. They confirm, they knew of the 4's release, two knew that it was coming when the Mini launched, and 2 of them, under their breath, told potentisl iPad 3 buyers to hold off.
The benefit of those in the UK & EU is the consumer laws are far stricter than the US.. Historically, the EU condemns these type of manipulative practices. Fort those of you there, start raising your voices to your legislators and regulators. Enough get heard, I wouldn't be surprised Apple would be haulef into Inquiry Committees. Voicing here will do nothing.
I work fit the California Dept of Justice . Ms Harris, Atty General, her office has already logged over 10,000 complaints. I heat the feasts Ste now turning to investigate, because it IS manipulative sales which actually the same as price fixing, which I'd illegal in this state.
So again, in the US, hit up your state AG's Office & Consumer Affairs Division, and likewise in the UK & EU