This is my first ever post on the discussion boards, so if I ramble a bit I'm sorry. I'll try to make it short and sweet. I want to use the "autopoweroffdelay" fix to set the delay to 24 hours, but I've run into a bit of a problem. When I use the pmset -g | grep autopoweroff command, it does not bring up current values like you said. I am hesitant to change anything until I can make sure that the values match the ones that you suggested.
Also, will changing this affect my MBP's ability to go into hibernation when the battery is completely depleted in battery mode? I still want my machine to go into hibernation mode if I leave it until it dies completely. I just don't want the delay to cause it not to hibernate when the battery dies. I want the Mac to run as closely as it did before the 10.8.2 update.
Hopefully I'm making some sense. Like I said, I just want my Mac to run as I know it should. I'll say that this isn't my first Mac. I had a 13'' MacBook White, early 2008 model, before I upgraded to the 13'' MacBook Pro, mid-2012 model that I'm using now. That old MacBook only went into hibernation when the battery died. I want this one to do basically the same thing. I'm sorry if I rambled. I'm going to check the developer page you suggested also, just to see if I was typing something in the Terminal incorrectly. If I get it fixed, then I'll try and post an update, but I might be so excited that my Mac is back to normal that I just forget about it. I've been searching the internet for over a month and half trying to find a fix, and it was only today that I finally figured out the magic words to type into the search bar that lead me to this thread!