iTunes was unable to load data class information from Sync Services
Not sure when it started, but I just noticed that my devices are not backing up when i sync in itunes.
This includes both iPad, iPhone 4s with 6.0.1 (10A523), Mac Lion 10.7.5, and iTunes 10.7 (21). Includes both WiFi and USB connections.
I get a lot of these in the logfile:
11/18/12 10:12:45.117 AM taskgated: killed[pid 1761] because its use of the entitlement is not allowed
11/18/12 10:12:45.117 AM [0x0-0x63063] Exec for child /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileDevice.framework/Versions/Current/Apple failed or inexplicably returned
11/18/12 10:12:45.117 AM [0x0-0x63063] Parent: Can't write length for data
11/18/12 10:12:45.117 AM [0x0-0x63063] Parent: Can't talk to child
11/18/12 10:12:45.117 AM [0x0-0x63063] Parent: Can't write length for data
11/18/12 10:12:45.117 AM [0x0-0x63063] Parent: write to child failed, trying to create child again...
11/18/12 10:12:45.117 AM [0x0-0x63063] Exec of child with pid 1761 failed with error 255
Applications are updated on the device, but my backups do not occur and iTunes summary says, "Last backup to this computer: Unknown".
When I connect the device I always get, "iTunes was unable to load data class information from Sync Services. Reconnect or try again later."
I have reset sync services, rebooted Mac, rebooted iPhone, repaired permissions, and reinstalled iTunes. All of which had no effect on solving the problem.
iPhone 4S, Mac OS X (10.7.5)