Solution to World Hunger
I recently purchased my first Apple product, your iPhone 4. I am pleased very much with the device, other than the few measures you could take to make them more durable. But it was one dollar and seven cents, as a promotion for a free upgrade.
I've read that you guys made $13,000,000,000.00 from the iPhone 4, and a total of $128,000,000,000 in 2011, let me know if I'm off at all.
Do you think you guys could donate 12% of that money towards giving everyone who is hungry an iPhone and access to data, and let the rest happen on it's own? I feel like this would solve world hunger, and the unlimited access to information that is, the internet would also allow everyone the education needed to know how to start thinking on terms of a sustainable future.
So think about it, you guys shell out a mere few billion, and Apple saves the world! How much better could it get after that? I mean seriously, come onnn!
I don't even care for credit of this, all I desire is for my fellow humans to not starve, this is something I alone cannot do, or believe me, I would, so I'm handing this idea to you, please let this seed flourish and then nourish the rest of mankind.
I know you can do this.
iPhone 4