iTunes 11 not updating play count & Last played
What a Bummer!
There is something seriously wrong with this update. That has happened never before!
Who's the next to leave from Apple?
What a Bummer!
There is something seriously wrong with this update. That has happened never before!
Who's the next to leave from Apple?
I'm having this problem, too.
And as I mentioned in a different discussion, I'm having a difficult time believing that this is a mere software bug.
There's got to be some sort of conflct happening here. I mean, there's no way that Apple would have released the program like this, with broken playcount and last-played data. Right?
I'm having this problem, too.
And as I mentioned in a different discussion, I'm having a difficult time believing that this is a mere software bug.
There's got to be some sort of conflct happening here. I mean, there's no way that Apple would have released the program like this, with broken playcount and last-played data. Right?
Same issue here. This bug has rendered my smart playlists based on last date played useless.
Same here. Now ALL of my smart playlists are hosed!!!!
I set up all my playlists to autmoatically update based on songs that haven't been played in the last 30 days and less than 4 times.
We waited an extra month for this crap?!
Apple is failing more and more every day. Even Eddy Cue can't get it right.
I just ran a quick test to see if the "Last Played" function was completely broken. The decent news here (for me, at least) is that songs played on an iPad or iPhone and then synced back to iTunes will update the "Last Played" field in iTunes.
Thus, my workaround for this is to play music on my iPad and send the audio to speakers via AirPlay.
Hopefully, Apple will provide a quick 11.0.1 release to fix this and other issues.
I am seeing mixed results as to when it does update and when it doesn't. No matter how much I test, I can't replicate it. I really hope they fix this fast as it's a major way I have smart playlists set for everything!
If you have crossfade on, it will not count plays or last played. If you turn off crossfade, everything else works. That is the fix i found for it so far.
I can confirm that turning off Crossfade fixed this issue for me as well.
Turning off crossfade worked for me, too. Thanks for the tip.
Last played date not being updated. Better get fixed soon.
Also, absolutely hate that in "song" mode no longer have cover flow. No good way of displaying cover without mouse clicks. What wre they thinking?
Turn off Crossfade and that should fix your Last Played Date problem.
Having crossfade on is indeed the culprit.
I laughingly find this pretty hard to believe. Do you mean to tell me that no one at Apple noticed that the crossfade function was screwing up the play counts?
Thanks for the crossfade advice. I had it on. That said, FIX IT Apple.
But, I must also admit I like iTunes 11 for the most part.
Yeah, me too. My playlists are, currently, based on 1 play, before this summer. I want to go through all my songs, randomly all the time. With play count gone, iTunes is next to useless for me.
As they say here, plays on iPhone/iPad up-date, just not on the computer.
Must try the cross-fade trick when I get up.
Apple - fix what didn't need fixing!
Turned off the crossfade and it didn't fix the problem for me. I use playlists extensively, this suks big time.
I turned off CrossFade but that didn't initially work, I also had to restart iTunes, then it did.
iTunes 11 not updating play count & Last played