I just think Apple is going to go down.. and when it will, it's going to go down in Flames..
- iPhone 5 : a lot of issues (connection issues, even with their update...)
- MBP Retina : a lot of issues
- itunes 11 : really impressed they let this go public with so many lame issues.. this proves that there is not the spirit of the finished product at Apple anymore.. (seriously a bug like you can't scroll to chose your TV shows to sync with you iPad is not seen? Crazy...)
I got handcuffed by apple (started with the iPhone and iTunes, then ATV) So i'm a fan of effeciency and practicallity... this is why i moved away from Windows a while back.. i didn't want to think about what i was going to do on my computer....i wanted it to be intuitive, apple gave me that... but today.. it's just like stupid.. lack of inteligence and professionalism. Get a hold of yourselves.. iTunes 11 has soooooo many issues it's an insult to Steve Jobs and to his creativity.
Can't scroll to chose your tv shows, unwatched bug that is ridiculous... so many other ones. Seriously Apple use the KISS philosophy : Keep It Simple Stupid! Stop showing off with shining new things that don't work... make less shiny but more reliable... I'm seriously thinking of leaving all apple products behind, but the issue is, and they know it... changing is horribly annoying.. so they feed us with **** these days.
Get a grip, get your level of reliability, effecienty, professionalism back, or one day you're going to go down in flames.... we've seen many companies do that and finish like that...