Cornel wrote:
This may well have been covered and - if so - I apologise but I've spent a couple of days helping a friend with her new iPod touch. We sorted the issues, but I came across something odd; as far as I can see there is no information from Apple, nor does anyone seem to know about how to name a Smart playlist as you set it up.
The first option presented is a sort criterion, and it seems that whatever is entered in that field becomes the name of the smart playlist until changed by the user at a later point. The sheer daftness of this - if it's indeed true - was brought home when I tried to create a smart playlist which excluded all titles with 'Xmas'. The new list was named 'Xmas'. Someone please tell me the Apple software people aren't that daft and that I've overlooked something blindingly obvious.
This may not actually answer your question, but here's some info you might be interested in. I find the easiest way to exclude certain music like xmas music is to do this:
1) create a separate standard playlist for each type of music you're not particularly interested in, most of the time... I have the following: xmas, halloween, special occasions, 'really in the mood' (sorry for all the fans out there but I really have to be in the mood to listen to gnr, metallica, ozzy and a few others, in which case I'll go pick them out specifically. I do this so I'm not bothered by these songs in my normal playlists)
2) Create a smart playlist called 'master list' that has the criteria "not in this play list", defined once for each of the playlists created in #1
3) base your other smart playlists on #2 (such as "all 5 stars, not listened in the past 5 days, within "master list")
It makes it easier to browse through your library and right-click -> add to playlist whatever... to quickly add/remove them....
The advantage is if you have your master list, you can see what is there, you can right click an album/song and say "add to playlist" defined in step 1. It is then removed. To add it back, go to the special playlists, select, delete (though you might have fun figuring out which playlist you put it in, so you'd want to keep the "exclude music" lists down to a small handful.
And when those occasions do present themselves, you already have a playlist dedicated just for that purpose.