getting back to the original thread, i have now had to 'upgrade' to iTunes 11, just so i can get iOS7 on my phone.
i waited as long as possible, in the hope that some fixes would make it better than it was last time i tried it, several months ago.
principal complaint is that i can no longer update my old iPod 1. it is not recognised. Bad apple.
but regarding day to day usability, is iTunes 11 better than it's predecessor?
i know everyone uses iTunes differently, but for me, it's much less user friendly than 10.7. It's clearly not meant to be used with the sidebar, but without it, the whole interface is unecessarily complicated and badly in need of simplification - the thing Apple have always been great at. Worst of all is that nasty little dropdown bar that the program hinges around; it's so windoze. Havent we always used icons? And hasn't apple always been really good at making the important things noticeable, and the peripherals harder to find. It's suddenly all backwards.
I often look at clock radios, central heating controls, dvd players etc and wish that the interface had been developed by Apple, because for thirty years they have been the masters.
Come on Apple, fix this. It's one of the fundamental parts of your offer and it's really not very good.