Where's the Power Search in iTunes 11?
You used to be able to search by Category, Title, Name, Description, etc., now, it's a cluster. Steve Jobs, we miss you, your user-friendly interface people have no clue!!!!
You used to be able to search by Category, Title, Name, Description, etc., now, it's a cluster. Steve Jobs, we miss you, your user-friendly interface people have no clue!!!!
Hi Bobsax. Yes. I just confirmed... this method is still working for me to seach the Comments field. DEselect the "Search Entire Library" at the top of the list. And Select "Filter by All". Then sort whatever column you are looking for... Don't forget that not all columns may be displayed. Go to the top menu in iTunes and select View, then Show View Options (or use Commad+J) and select the fields you want displayed.
That works, but is not/does not link to nor come up as Power Search. I, too, got to it somehow but I, too, can't remember how I got there. Bloody rotten, that's what it is!
If you want to bring back the iTunes Power Search just do the following:
It works on Mac and Windows comp.http://dreevoo.com/content.php?id=1336
Here is a very good explanation about how to write the apple script, add it to itunes and create a shortcut:
http://dougscripts.com/itunes/2014/03/itunes-store-power-search-at-your-fingerti ps/
tested with itunes 11.1.5 on osx 10.9.2
For me, this http:/phobos.apple.com power search seems to lack real search capabilities and returns barely anything remotely close to what I am searching for. For example, I was looking for a version of "Feeling Good" so that is what I typed into the 'Song' field under the Music category.
No songs, just a few music videos and an album. This song has been recorded dozens of times by many different artists so there should have been quite a selection. In addition to providing NO songs, nothing populates in the rows below the search field.
Am I doing something incorrectly or is this solution just incapable? I am a PC user, if that makes a difference.
You're not doing anything wrong. I tried it on a Mac and seemed to get the same results you did (4 music videos, 1 album). My total hunch is that this is an unsupported way to search and that Apple is no longer updating the indexes or whatever mechanism provides the search results via this method.
Just using the current normal iTunes Store search method, the first two results under Music are the Michael Bublé & Nina Simone versions. If you then sort by "Name" (and scroll down past a lot of annoyingly irrelevant results), then you can get a bunch of them all grouped together.
This behavior is not up to Apple standards, in my opinion.
Thanks for the response.
Apple is appropriately transparent as to why this functionality has been removed. However, if you are (un)fortunate enough to still be using an original iPad running iOS 5.1, then you may be aware that the version of the App Store on that device allows users to sort search results by popularity, release date, device, customer rating etc.
Removing that functionality seems to have been implemented around the release of iOS 6.
If advanced search options/filtering are considered to work against Apple's attempts to thwart fraudulent ratings schemes, it would be nice to at least provide the number of downloads, current version release date or whether it is a Featured, included New & Notable etc. as metadata below the app icon.
There is far too much redundancy and very little marketing differentiation between offerings in the App Store, making the use of sites like Vionza a necessity.
The only bloody answer here that made any sense to me anyhow... thx again...
Funny thing tho... when i click the m.glass and then am able to click [all] comments ain't even showing as an option in the drop down... yet it does search those fields nicely - which is what i wanted all along - problem solved - cheers and aloha from HI...
Where's the Power Search in iTunes 11?