acwake 0 but it wakes up when I plug charger in/out, acwake 0 but it wakes up when I plug charger in/out, acwake 0 but it wakes up when I plug charger in/out
I have MBP 15 inch mid 2012 and I think there is something wrong with it.
My acwake is 0 but whenever I attach/dettach charger the computer starts breefly (2-3 seconds) and then goes to sleep again. It does not matter if I close the lid or I go to sleep from the apple menu.
Battery Power:
lidwake 1
autopoweroff 0
autopoweroffdelay 0
standbydelay 0
standby 0
ttyskeepawake 1
gpuswitch 1
hibernatefile /var/vm/sleepimage
displaysleep 5
sleep 5
acwake 0
halfdim 1
sms 1
lessbright 1
disksleep 5
AC Power:
lidwake 1
autopoweroff 0
autopoweroffdelay 0
standbydelay 0
standby 0
ttyskeepawake 1
gpuswitch 0
hibernatefile /var/vm/sleepimage
womp 0
displaysleep 5
networkoversleep 0
sleep 10
acwake 0
halfdim 1
sms 1
disksleep 10
I already erased
But it did not help. Its the same. Did reset on PRAM & SMC. I did everything that I can think of. Any help?
Aditional info:
In console I get
12/8/12 2:36:22.000 PM kernel[0]: Wake reason: EC.ACDetach (Maintenance)
12/8/12 2:40:31.000 PM kernel[0]: Wake reason: EC.ACAttach (Maintenance)
MacBook Pro, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.2)