What is the default iTune Folder Structure for iTunes 11?
Cheers Sean Melchionda for the title, which I've brazenly grabbed from yesteryear and updated the 10 to 11. 😉
Ok, so yes, same deal. Backstory: have moved my stuff to my new computer (with Windows 7) but it has happened over a period of time due to life, and iTunes 11 popped in during this period. Without even trying to address my iPod and iPad's subsequent seesawing sync problems meaning missing/"Waiting"/broken apps, out-of-space messages when trying to sync, failed transfers, etc, my music situation on my new(ish, now) PC and all devices is pretty much a mess. iTunes has `!` symbols near most of my tracks in iTunes in Windows, and my iPad, where I had essentially my entire library, only has 1 or 2 random tracks from many of the albums with probably only 20% of the entire library. Though I guess the latter is simply a reflection of the former.
Whilst I think everything is there on my PC hard drive, I'm not sure it's now where the new iTunes wants it. I've done the consolidate setting thing and done the .itl thing but nothing seems to work. iTunes 11 help facility shows a directory path that is waaaay simpler than the ridiculously deep nesting most of my media seems to reside at.
So can anyone tell me precisely *where* music is supposed to be for Windows iTunes 11? (Alternatively, is there a script/utility/banana somewhere that just completely rebuilds everything, including MOVING (*not* copying) things to the right spot... I don't care how long it takes to run.)
2 months and still no iDevice&iTunesLibrary equilibrium does things to ones soul.
Any advice appreciated, thanks.