How to set bypass proxy settings for local host & domains in the iPad ?
How to set bypass proxy settings for local host & domains in the iPad ?
iPad 2, iOS 6.1.2
How to set bypass proxy settings for local host & domains in the iPad ?
iPad 2, iOS 6.1.2
This is our company's network details, we have proxy server and three intranet websites. when i using my proxy, i am able to surf internet but the intranet website is not opening. When i desable the proxy in the ipad, i am able to surf the intranet website but not able to surf the internet.
in my mac, i have no problem because the bypass proxy option is there. But i ipad i didn't find the bypass proxy option.
This is our company's network details, we have proxy server and three intranet websites. when i using my proxy, i am able to surf internet but the intranet website is not opening. When i desable the proxy in the ipad, i am able to surf the intranet website but not able to surf the internet.
in my mac, i have no problem because the bypass proxy option is there. But i ipad i didn't find the bypass proxy option.
Ok let me see
1 you go to settings of ios device.
2 you go to wifi
3. you will see your network name and litlte blue arrow next to it
4 you tap that arrow and choose manual.
And then one of the available options will have proxy settings.
Unable to get you the picture, sorry.
That was a good one. I apologize for my stupidity, I finally realized what you want (I hope). Ipad will not support dual configuration, you will have to move manually from manual to auto and back. I could try and look, and obviously I am not the smartest pea in the pod (as we have just confirmed 😝), but I have never met anything that would allow ipad to save dual settings for the same network.
As a side note there are probably some people that VPN from outside to your intranet, what if you leave external settings and set up VPN. Just a shot in the dark, cause I normally prefer to not complicate things anymore, and it will do just that.
Settings - wifi - little arrow next to your network name and you should see manual.
How to set bypass proxy settings for local host & domains in the iPad ?