It does sound very coincidental I guess.
My wife actually went and got a new battery in her iPhone yesterday and it drained very quickly yesterday evening - so it isn't the age of the phone or the battery.
The previous time - a couple of years ago (with my iPhone 4) that power usage was an issue, it seemed to be because the Time-zone detection was constantly accessing the network. I have been checking this and noted, while doing so, that the "genius for apps" location service was on with a purple arrow next to it. I was not in the App Store and was basically not running anything other than mail.
I have now switched this off, plus the time zone location, etc. I'll see how the power issue is today after a full charge.
Setting>privacy>location services>System Services (at bottom of page) ... Switch off what you don't need.
I'm working under the assumption that most apps tell you if they need to access your location and I can choose whether they really do need to or if I can leave them off, so I've switched off most things in the main app list also, apart from the few things I use which do need my location (google maps, Siri, camera).