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Pop message that Mac OS X needs to repair Library to run applications?

I have run Disk Utility.

I downloade and ran ACLr8.

I have gone into the Library files->File->Get File Info-> added my user name and gave Read & Write permissions.

Still getting the pop-up every few seconds.

Been occuring since I downloaded the lastest OS X update.

Any fixes to this problem yet?

iMac, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.3)

Posted on Mar 22, 2013 3:32 PM

38 replies

Jul 7, 2017 9:20 PM in response to Toniii-chan

I'm not sure from your reply whether you realize that this command would have been found in Mountain Lion while booted from the recovery partition and having launched the Password Reset app by launching Terminal and entering the command "resetpassword". If that's what you did, then maybe you're using a system that's newer than Mountain Lion. Barney-15E apparently assumed that's what you did, because booting into recovery (holding down command-r immediately at the time the screen lights up) and launching Terminal there is needed for running "repairhomepermissions" (as Barney-15E suggested) as well. However, you might still get unexpected results even after you've selected your home folder in the app that opens as a result of that command.

I'm going to give you an AppleScript that will set your home folder permissions to what you need, assuming it is an admin account. You can use Users & Groups prefpane to temporarily make it an admin account (as long as you have access to an admin account), if needed. However, it may be necessary to delete some files associated with whatever app or process is causing the dialog to appear.

Here's the AppleScript.

set username to do shell script"id -un"

do shell script"chown -R" & space & username & space & "~;chmod -RN ~;chmod -R o-w ~;chmod +a \"everyone deny delete\" ~/ ~/Desktop ~/Documents ~/Downloads ~/Library ~/Movies ~/Music ~/Pictures ~/Public ~/Sites;chmod +a \"" & username & space & "allow list,add_file,search,delete,add_subdirectory," & "delete_child,readattr,writeattr,readextattr," & "writeextattr,readsecurity,writesecurity,chown,file_inherit," & "directory_inherit\" ~/Public/Drop\\ Box" with administrator privileges

Mar 23, 2013 12:58 PM in response to AuditCat


Which Library did it say needed repairing ?

System/Library ?

Library ?

Or Users/(YourAccount)/Library ?

Which of these did you "repair" ?

I may not be able to help more than this.

User uploaded file
7:58 PM Saturday; March 23, 2013

 iMac 2.5Ghz 5i 2011 (Mountain Lion 10.8.3)
 G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
 MacBookPro 2Gb (Snow Leopard 10.6.8)
 Mac OS X (10.6.8),
 Couple of iPhones and an iPad
"Limit the Logs to the Bits above Binary Images."  No, Seriously

Mar 23, 2013 1:28 PM in response to AuditCat


Can you grab a Screen Shot of this ?

Use the CMD + Shift + 4 keys together. Then click the space bar and mouse over the Alert.

When the alert/window is highlighted then click the mouse.

The Pic should end up on your Desktop.

You can then use the camera icon in the reply screen here and select the pic to post it.

I can't say that I have heard or or seen anything like this.

User uploaded file
8:28 PM Saturday; March 23, 2013

 iMac 2.5Ghz 5i 2011 (Mountain Lion 10.8.3)
 G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
 MacBookPro 2Gb (Snow Leopard 10.6.8)
 Mac OS X (10.6.8),
 Couple of iPhones and an iPad
"Limit the Logs to the Bits above Binary Images."  No, Seriously

Mar 23, 2013 3:09 PM in response to AuditCat


It does appear to be an Apple Alert.

It also appears that it is talking about your User account (Home Folder) Library.

Does the "Repair" button launch Disk Utility ?

If you launched Disk Utility did you use Repair Permissions ?

And for the Library did you use the Finder > Go Menu > Go to Folder and type in ~/Library to access the Library ?

Getting to a point where your can do a Get Info on this folder needs you to go to the Finder's View Menu and Using the Show Path Bar option then clicking on the Library in the path.

User uploaded file
10:09 PM Saturday; March 23, 2013

 iMac 2.5Ghz 5i 2011 (Mountain Lion 10.8.3)
 G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
 MacBookPro 2Gb (Snow Leopard 10.6.8)
 Mac OS X (10.6.8),
 Couple of iPhones and an iPad
"Limit the Logs to the Bits above Binary Images."  No, Seriously

Mar 23, 2013 4:23 PM in response to Ralph-Johns-UK

When I complete the window by adding my password and hitting the "Repair" button, it just goes away. Then returns shortly there after.

Yes I have run the Repair Permissions dozens of times.

Yes that is how I accessed the Library file.

I have then use the File->Get Info->.

What should the permissions consist of?

I have 2 users, myself and my son.

But in some of the different files I have reviewed, I have seen "users" such as:





Macintonsh HD/Library has = me - Read & Write; system - Read & Write; everyone - Read only

Macintosh HD/System/Library has = me - Read & Write; system - Read & Write; everyone - Read only

Macintonsh HD/Users/me = there is a house icon. Under this there is no Library file, only Desktop; Documents; Downloads; Movies; Music; Pictures; Public

Macintosh HD/Users/my son = the same as above but also a Library file

The permissions for my son's Library file are: me - Read & Write; my son - Read & Write; staff - Read Only; everyone - Read Only

What are these other "users"? staff? everyone? etc?


Mar 24, 2013 9:51 AM in response to AuditCat

You won't see your own Library as the Finder hides it from you. You can likely see your other user's Library because you have set special permissions on it so that you can read/write all the folders in that other user's home.

Open up Terminal and copy/paste this command into the Terminal Window and hit return. Post the results which will be the list of folders in your Home along with all permissions and Access Control Entries:

ls -aleO ~/

If the problem is in your Home folder, then repairing permissions won't help.

There is a way to reset them, but lets see what they look like, first.

Mar 24, 2013 11:37 AM in response to Barney-15E

Last login: Sun Mar 24 18:26:22 on ttys000

Gerard-OLearys-iMac:~ gerardoleary$ ls -aleO ~/

total 3200

drwxr-xr-x+ 44 gerardoleary staff - 1496 24 Mar 18:10 .

0: group:everyone deny delete

drwxr-xr-x 7 root admin - 238 24 Mar 11:18 ..

-rw------- 1 gerardoleary staff compressed 3 20 Nov 2009 .CFUserTextEncoding

-rw----rw-@ 1 gerardoleary staff hidden 43012 24 Mar 18:33 .DS_Store

0: group:everyone deny delete

drwx------ 2 gerardoleary staff - 68 24 Mar 18:10 .Trash

-rw----rw-+ 1 gerardoleary staff - 0 25 Feb 2011 .Xauthority

0: group:everyone deny delete

drwx---rwx+ 4 gerardoleary staff - 136 4 Dec 2010 .adobe

0: group:everyone deny delete

-rw------- 1 gerardoleary staff - 177 24 Mar 18:27 .bash_history

drwx---rwx+ 3 gerardoleary staff - 102 20 Nov 2009 .cups

0: group:everyone deny delete

drwx------+ 15 gerardoleary staff - 510 24 Mar 18:30 .dropbox

0: group:everyone deny delete

drwxr-xr-x 5 gerardoleary staff - 170 7 Jul 2012 .dvdcss

drwx---rwx+ 31 gerardoleary staff - 1054 10 Nov 12:07 .fontconfig

0: group:everyone deny delete

drwx---rwx+ 14 gerardoleary staff - 476 25 Apr 2011 .fonts

0: group:everyone deny delete

drwxrwxrwx 3 gerardoleary staff - 102 7 Jul 2012 .nchsoftware

drwx---rwx@ 2 gerardoleary staff - 68 2 Oct 2010 .wapi

0: group:everyone deny delete

-rwx--xrwx+ 1 gerardoleary staff - 525540 9 Dec 2010 AdminTool

0: group:everyone deny delete

-rw----rw-+ 1 gerardoleary staff - 704 4 Dec 2010 Adobe CS5 Cleaner Tool.log

0: group:everyone deny delete

drwx---rwx+ 3 gerardoleary staff - 102 2 Dec 2010 Akamai NetSession Uninstaller.app

0: group:everyone deny delete

drwx------ 2 gerardoleary staff - 68 15 Aug 2012 Applications

drwxr-xr-x 11 gerardoleary staff - 374 10 Nov 12:35 Books

drwx---rwx+ 12 gerardoleary staff - 408 22 Dec 15:40 Calibre Library

0: group:everyone deny delete

drwx------+ 26 gerardoleary staff - 884 23 Mar 14:15 Desktop

0: group:everyone deny delete

drwx------+ 91 gerardoleary staff - 3094 3 Feb 18:31 Documents

0: group:everyone deny delete

drwx------+ 84 gerardoleary staff - 2856 14 Mar 19:45 Downloads

0: group:everyone deny delete

drwx---rwx@ 10 gerardoleary staff - 340 24 Mar 18:11 Dropbox

0: group:everyone deny delete

-rw----rw-@ 1 gerardoleary staff - 3632 18 Sep 2010 KINDLE Your Amazon.co.uk Warranty Purchase.rtf

0: group:everyone deny delete

drwx------@ 59 gerardoleary staff hidden 2006 3 Aug 2012 Library

0: group:everyone deny delete

drwxr-xr-x 11 gerardoleary staff - 374 9 Dec 2010 Logs

drwx------+ 34 gerardoleary staff - 1156 15 Aug 2012 Movies

0: group:everyone deny delete

drwx------+ 7 gerardoleary staff - 238 22 Dec 15:39 Music

0: group:everyone deny delete

drwx------+ 21 gerardoleary staff - 714 10 Sep 2012 Pictures

0: group:everyone deny delete

drwxr-xr-x+ 6 gerardoleary staff - 204 24 Nov 2009 Public

0: group:everyone deny delete

-rw-r--r-- 1 gerardoleary staff - 7763 9 Dec 2010 Readme.txt

drwxr-xr-x+ 6 gerardoleary staff - 204 21 Nov 2009 Sites

0: group:everyone deny delete

-rw-r--r-- 1 root staff - 8 8 Aug 2012 a.txt

-rw----rw-+ 1 gerardoleary staff - 3550 9 Dec 2010 client.ini

0: group:everyone deny delete

-rw----rw-+ 1 gerardoleary staff - 4609 9 Dec 2010 client.ini.json

0: group:everyone deny delete

-rw----rw-+ 1 gerardoleary staff - 524 9 Dec 2010 data.dat

0: group:everyone deny delete

-rw----rw-+ 1 gerardoleary staff - 44 9 Dec 2010 euc_state.json

0: group:everyone deny delete

-rw----rw-+ 1 gerardoleary staff - 1455 9 Dec 2010 guid.ini

0: group:everyone deny delete

drwxr-xr-x 3 gerardoleary staff - 102 2 Dec 2010 macui.app

-rw-r--r-- 1 gerardoleary staff - 5195 9 Dec 2010 root.pem

-rw-r--r-- 1 gerardoleary staff - 670194 9 Dec 2010 rsmacui.tar.gz

-rw-r--r-- 1 gerardoleary staff - 332970 9 Dec 2010 uninstall.tar.gz

Gerard-OLearys-iMac:~ gerardoleary$

Gerard-OLearys-iMac:~ gerardoleary$

Mar 24, 2013 11:59 AM in response to GerardOleary

Gerold, there is nothing wrong with your permisssions. Please do not post responses that we request of AuditCat. It only confuses everyone. If you want to start your own thread, please do. If you just want to lurk and see if we come up with anything, that's fine too. When everyone and their Aunt Sue starts posting terminal dumps on the same thread, nobody can keep up with what is going on.

Mar 24, 2013 12:21 PM in response to AuditCat


This Library belongs to the User that is Logged in. (?chrismaben)

If you mean that in System Preferences > Users and Groups you have two users then you will each have your own Library Folder.

If there is only one User then it needs only to have one name (the (me) one).

The OS is based on Unix this has a set of preordained Users and Groups that exist before you add the People.

The "system" is one User as in the "nobody" one.

"staff" and "everyone" are groups that "chrismaben" in this case can also be in.

Mine looks like this

User uploaded file

You have three Librarys shown and none is "yours"

System/Library is Owned by "system" that as read and Write Permissions with "wheel" and "eveyone" having read only permissions.

User uploaded file

The Harddrive(Name)/Library or /Library as it is more commonly written when talking about and the one that appears as "Where /" on your pic is also owned by the "system"

User uploaded file

AS you show your son as having his Own account on your Computer in the Users folder he should not show your name in that List and you should not be the Owner.

User uploaded file

AS Barney-15E says you and we will need to know what the current settings are before you can proceeed.

As you can see from GeraldOleary's post there are not only the visible items in the Home Folder such as Documents, Pictures, Music etc but some hidden items as well depending what you have installed.

The narrowing of the reply parts to threads here has made it more difficult to read his "printout" as some things end up changing lines.

Items that have a dot in front such as the .adobe and .Trash nearer the top are not visible.

Mine in pic form

User uploaded file

It is fair to say there are different levels of Hidden-ness.

User uploaded file
7:21 PM Sunday; March 24, 2013

 iMac 2.5Ghz 5i 2011 (Mountain Lion 10.8.3)
 G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
 MacBookPro 2Gb (Snow Leopard 10.6.8)
 Mac OS X (10.6.8),
 Couple of iPhones and an iPad
"Limit the Logs to the Bits above Binary Images."  No, Seriously

Pop message that Mac OS X needs to repair Library to run applications?

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