I have no sound on my IPad
I have lost the sound on my IPad. Does anyone know how I can check the problem?
iPhone 3GS, iOS 6.1.3
I have lost the sound on my IPad. Does anyone know how I can check the problem?
iPhone 3GS, iOS 6.1.3
I think I found the 'fix'.. I was having the same problem. Checked the instructions with my iPad and found out about the little switch just above the volume slide .. After changing that switch everything was back to normal
I think I found the 'fix'.. I was having the same problem. Checked the instructions with my iPad and found out about the little switch just above the volume slide .. After changing that switch everything was back to normal
I have the same issue on two ipads, two iphones and an ipod. Since an update about 2 months ago, all 5 devices randomly lose all sound. Nothing makes any sound, like the speaker is disconnected. You can still connect to a Bluetooth speaker and play from that. Volume is up, not muted. No app or the OS can make any sound.
The solution for all 5 devices is the same: you have to reboot by holding down the power button then swiping the "reboot" swipe thing. After it reboots, sound is back.
This happens at least once a week. Before the update, this has never happened. It is a SW bug.
I have seen it happen twice right after being used on a bose minidoc II, but also happens without this.
We have a 3rd older ipad which also has no sound, but is not fixed by reboot. This one is different because if you blow through the charging port (its the old wide one), sound works while you are blowing. Stop blowing, sound stops. Sound is not good quality either. If you gently press an area to the right of the home button, sometimes you get a crackle of sound. We are assuming this one has a HW problem, which is a shame as the ipad has not been used much, and has never been dropped or similar.
I had a similar issue where my sound had gone, I had keyboard clicks but no other sound, the volume control would move but still no sound.
Everything was normal in the settings area.
I found I had left my iPad in Airplay mode to Apple TV. Switched back to iPad and all AOK.
Hope that helps anyone else as a quick check.
Are you sure that you lost all sound... Even in the Music app? If you lost all sound, try rebooting the iPad.
Reboot the iPad by holding down on the sleep and home buttons at the same time for about 10-15 seconds until the Apple Logo appears - ignore the red slider - let go of the buttons.
If you have sound in the music app, system sounds are probably muted.
If you lose sounds for keyboard clicks, games or other apps, email notifications and other notifications, system sounds may have been muted.
System sounds can be muted and controlled two different ways. The screen lock rotation can be controlled in the same manner as well.
Settings>General>Use Side Switch to: Mute System sounds. If this option is selected, the switch on the side of the iPad above the volume rocker will mute system sounds.
If you choose Lock Screen Rotation, then the switch locks the screen. If the screen is locked, you will see a lock icon in the upper right corner next to the battery indicator gauge.
If you have the side switch set to lock screen rotation then the system sound control is in the task bar. Double tap the home button and in the task bar at the bottom, swipe all the way to the right. The speaker icon is all the way to the left. Tap on it and system sounds will return.
If you have the side switch set to mute system sounds, then the screen lock rotation can be accessed via the task bar in the same manner as described above.
This support article from Apple explains how the side switch works.
There may be a software bug. If you tried everything and no result , just try the following steps as well .
1. Sign out game centre.
2. Turn off the keybord clicks / lock sounds ( settings )
3. Reset home screen layout
4. Delete keybord shortcuts
5. Change language to another and back to English again .
I hope you fix the problem .
It works!! Thank you!!!!
I tried all of these suggestions and it was the changing of the language settings that was the factor that worked. I would never have thought to try this!
Thanks for that, I had forgotten I had turned off sound in Panda Pop but this shouldn't kill all sound, only within the game. I had spent ages trying all the solutions mentioned with no result but yours was the answer for me. Many thanks again.
This actually worked for me. I have no idea why but this was awesome. Thank you
Oh my..this worked!....thanks so much
There are some possibilities for sound problems - most of them are really simple:
(1min 36sec)
It covers the basics:
...and also the worst cases:
So, don't get desparete: try the things in the video.
There are people who reported having forgotten an audio-bluetooth connection activated with a turned-off sound-system or speakers... or forgot Air-Play turned on... so be sure you disengage bluetooth and/or airplay.
On the 'hardware side', dirty dock connector (30 pin) can make the iPad 'think' it is connected to external audio - if so, cleaning it with a dry toothbrush can fix. Also, moisture in the headphones connector can make the iPad switch to 'headphones' even without headphones connected, making it silent: check if you can hear things with headphones plugged in - if so, try gently inserting and removing headphones a few times and check if you get sound back to iPad's speakers alone.
Once more: no need to reset settings, nether restore - save your time.
No idea why, but the keyboard lock/keyclick off and changing the language settings and back reset the sound. The sound appeared after initially changing the language the first time. iOS7 on iPad. The sound stopped working for no apparent reason after opening the cover despite having worked 2 mins before - the icons for speaker/headphones/volume all appeared and worked as normal. Very strange bug, almost as strange as the fix.
Thank you!
Ok people....Apparently it is in fact an iOS7 issue...and after I tried EVERYTHING possible to bring back the volume I had to resort to doing a FULL RESTORE on my iPad 2.....and as of 5 mins ago, I have my sound back. Another friend told me to downgrade to iOS6, but that will take a bit more research. If the issue happens again, I'm afraid I may have to do that unless Apple comes out with a fix!
After 2 hours of frustration and checking every setting and button on my IPad 3G, I finally resorted to Google and this discussion. I'm very thankful to report that the hard reset using the power key and the home button together to do the hard reset resolved my issue and my sound is back. Thank-you to all who post here!
Thank you! This worked for my husband's iPad so now he can hear when he receives text messages or if I Skype him. Wish I could give you extra stars and that your answer would be the 1st one that appeared no matter how one worded the question. The other answers I found yesterday in iPad support communities did not help and I was beginning to think it was just an unsolved problem with which users had to live. Thank you again!
I have no sound on my IPad