first of all, the Jar Bundler.app could stand anywhere in any directory; that's a freedom of OSX.
I have a few applications I downloaded, put in different places and they start up (e.g. from Finder) just the same.
It's your computer and you may put any file where you like.
During last week I was busy repairing one of my own applications, so I spent little time on this.
However, your last observation puts me to action.
Say we conclude that a single-class-jar seems to work.
Then we may assume that the .jar is executed, whatever is in it: it was the bundler that got confused,
and it seems it only 'understands' simple .jar's.
Then, I suppose, you might replace the .jar by hand (file manager, or Finder) by the .jar you want to run.
- create a single class .jar with the name, classname and blank package like the complex jar you want to run.
- check that it works (again)
- replace the .jar by your own.
- verify that it runs again.
I could write down what the inside structure of an app is, but, besides that you already might know,
I found a few very interesting documents that explain everything.
... and you might be right: many articles say that Jar Bundler works no more and that you must use Ant.
To me that means that you could do everything yourself, by editor and filemanager, with a working app
as an example.
Here those are:
https://developer.apple.com/legacy/library/documentation/Java/Conceptual/Jar_Bun dler/Jar_Bundler.pdf
https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/Java/Reference/Java_Infopl istRef/Java_InfoplistRef.pdf
http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/technotes/guides/jweb/packagingAppsForMac.h tml
I guess this will help us both.