I solved it! I got it running for several of my applications and I could even set one of them as "run at login".
The solution is found in:
http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/technotes/guides/jweb/packagingAppsForMac.h tml
It works as follows:
1) you got your jar, thus ignore everything that still must create a .jar
2) create a directory to work in.
3) put your .jar in this directory.
4) download appbundler-1.0.jar and put it in subdirectory 'lib'.
5) create subdirectory 'output' for the app.
6) get 'ant' (although, it was already present and installed on my Mac from the start).
7) edit build.xml as this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="MyProgram" default="default" basedir=".">
<taskdef name="bundleapp"
classpath="lib/appbundler-1.0.jar" />
<target name="MyProgram">
<bundleapp outputdirectory="output"
displayname="MyProgram application"
<classpath file="MyProgram.jar" />
8) from the command line (in that directory): ant MyProgram
9) test it in Finder (click the app)
a) replace the default icon in the app under resources by your own .icns icon.
(must be square and the width must be a power of 2, preferred 512x512)
b) edit the info.plist inside the app to address the right icon.
NOTE: you will see in the plist, that the application requires JAVA 6.0,
that's only for deliveries to customers.
From here you can play games:
new icon? just put it there.
new version of your program? just replace the .jar (I did it already).