Text messages being sent to 07786205094?
Are texts that are being sent to 07786205094 without knowledge to do with apple and the FaceTime/iMessage activation? Why does this happen? Thanks
iPhone 5
Are texts that are being sent to 07786205094 without knowledge to do with apple and the FaceTime/iMessage activation? Why does this happen? Thanks
iPhone 5
What country are you in?
But whenever you change SIM cards, you will get a notification to activate iMessage and that ther ealso may be an SMS sent to complete the activation.
This seems to be the iMessage activation process only in Europe, the USA doesn't do this.
Sorry. No phone number also!
Jtt1975 I'm having the exact problem as yourself and spoke to two different members of 02 this morning before seeing this thread and they made out that they have no idea what the number's are, ie they don't have an answer for the issue!!!
The issue is with TUGO, app from O2.
Go into the TUGO app, go into account, delete your account. Delete the TUGO app. Go into your iMessage and FaceTime area in settings and disable them and re-enable them. Gets rid of the problem.
Seems the TUGO app intercepts the service updates and delivers them as a bunch of rubbish. With FaceTime audio available now the TUGO app mostly redundant on your phone.
Unfortunately after following the guide to remove TUGO etc I'm still receiving the texts and when switching Facetime and IMessage back on I have a message informing me that an error occured during activation!!!
Try calling O2 and make sure they see that TUGO is 100% deactivated on your phone number. They were passing the problem to Apple when I called, clearly an O2 problem because of their TUGO stuff.
L8ON, taytos, tried the TUGO app suggestion (I only had it enabled on my iPad not my iPhone) but it still shows Waiting for activation. I've waited 24hrs twice and on each occasion it says Activation Unsuccessful. So I popped into Apple Store today. I showed Genius Bar rep the texts - he instantly recognised the texts and problem and said "it's Apple's servers, they're overloaded". Wait is the answer - although I appreciate people have tried a host of over solutions and some have worked for some people. I've tried them all but nothing. PS I want to meet the person who came up with the name TUGO for an O2 messaging app, and ask "Why?!"
The issue is TUGO is intercepting the service updates and changing their format into a txt message, if TUGO is enabled on your phone number within O2 at all, even if just on a Windows application, it will change the format and mess up activation.
The txt you are getting is the activation, it is nothing to do with the servers being overloaded, if they were overloaded you would not get the txt which is Apple sending you the activation. Waiting 24 hours will do absolutely nothing - unless in that 24 hour period O2 fix TUGO to allow these service messages through.
Well, I'll tell you what 10 minutes after following your advice, my iMessage/Facetime is now activated and working properly. I can't be 100% certain, but it's reasonable to assume that what you've stated here was the actual issue. Thanks!
Cool 🙂
Yeah, once you turn off iMessage or FaceTime and turn them back on you gotta wait for the activation again. Probably more busy than normal right now so maybe a 10 minute delay is expected, but that 24 hour rule is absolute tosh! 🙂
I'm on O2 and have the Tu GO app installed on an iphone5. When I visited the Genius bar yesterday , they said the reason was with O2 and their servers being down.
I tried as previouslly suggested in the forum:-
1. Delete the TU GO app.
2. Settings->messages->iMessage - toggle off then on
3. Wait a few minutes - 5 at the max. The waiting activation message then dissappears
4. Then select Send & Recieve and the phone number now has a tick against it.
All now working :-)
I m from pakistan same problem with me
Text messages being sent to 07786205094?