Upgrade iPad iOS 5.1.1 to iOS 6
My iPad is the original first generation. The OS is iOS 5.1.1. How can I get it upgraded to iOS 6?
My iPad is the original first generation. The OS is iOS 5.1.1. How can I get it upgraded to iOS 6?
Your Samsung probably works just as "great" as your iPad does. Your iPad works no less as well than it ever did. It just does not have the hardware to cope with some of the current software, which requires more facilities than it can offer. I suggest the same is true of any three year old tablet from any manufacturer. Does your Samsung run the latest version of Android?
Yes my samsung works just as good as the ipad just a different os.
Your correct my tablet has 4.0 and current version is 4.4 but I am still allowed access to apps. It does not have the latest release of Android neither does my kids thrive that also came out at the same time the ipad gen 1 did but I can still get any app I want for those devices.
What gets me is that the software for gen 1 ipads is still available the fact that apple will not allow users access to something like a gen 1 archive for a perfectly good piece of hardware gets to me. Ive already moved on but it would be nice if I could put games or something on it for my kids.
Either Android did a better job of software releases or Apple is juust greedy im going with the second because the only reason you cant get gen 1 software is because apple want to force users into a new device.
Bottom line I paid more for less with my ipad lesson learned
But you can get compatible versions of Apps for older iOS versions.
You will have to download the App to iTunes on a computer or another device that does support the App using the same Apple Id you have on your iPad. With that done you can follow these instructions from your iPad to get a compatible version:
App Store: Install the latest compatible version of an app
Not knowing how to do something, is not the same as not being able to do it.
As I explined the ipad was my 1st and now last apple product Im not going to buy a new mac or ipad just so I can get apps for my old useless ipad.
pay close attention to the wording
After purchasing iPhoto for your iOS 7 device, you can install an earlier compatible version of iPhoto from your iOS 6 device
AFTER - You first have to purchase the app for a new device then you will get access to the archive. You still need to buy the ios 7 device. This is proof the only reason you cannot access the old version of the app is becuase apple wants me to spend another +$700 on a new device. They have the archive and will give me access to it once I buy a new device.
Who said you need a Mac, or a new iOS device. I'm sure you own a Pc capable or running iTunes. Heck my 6 year old PC can run the new version of iTunes.
But I guess you are more interested in whining than actually finding a solution to a very easily solved annoyance.
And yes just for the record I do own a first gen iPad that still works the same way it did the day it was bought.
Phil I will be happy to try this from my pc the wording says for 'your ios 7 device'.
Ill update this thread in a few minutes
OK ill be the 1st to eat my humble pie. I stand corrected.
you are correct and thank you Phil. If i go get the app on my PC (itunes) and then go in to purchased apps on the ipad it will work. I guess I just figured itunes would not allow it bc I was on a pc.
I'm glad it worked out for you.
Its ridiculous, some apps force you to update but when you try it they ask you to upgrade to iso6 . Every week we loss so many apps because of updates. I think in next few months iPad one is going to be useless and just good for checking mails !!!! Evan simple app like CBS not working anymore, If they don't let us to upgrade to higher iso at list let older version of apps working. Apple should think about pioneer customer like us or.....!!! We are not gonna buy any apple product ever. And I know lots of people they think like me.
Plaease read my post above, it outlines the method to get compatible versions of Apps for older iOS versions.
Copied here for convenicence:
I wrote:
But you can get compatible versions of Apps for older iOS versions.
You will have to download the App to iTunes on a computer or another device that does support the App using the same Apple Id you have on your iPad. With that done you can follow these instructions from your iPad to get a compatible version:
App Store: Install the latest compatible version of an app
Not knowing how to do something, is not the same as not being able to do it.
West_LA, Phil is correct; the problem is the directions apple gives are not clear and lead you to think the process is as easy as using an andorid to get older apps.
You need to setup iTunes on your computer pc or mac (if you only have an ipad ur out of luck) and then purchase the app in yoru uitunes account on your computer. Once you have purchased the app on your coputer you can then go to the app store on your ipad and go to my dowloads or my apps and you will have the option to add the app from there. when you select the app it will ask you to download an old version of the app.
This whole process could be alot easier but hey then Apple wouldnt have every go out and buy new ipads. But alteast there is some way to get old apps on your device
My thoughts too. I have had my first gen iPad for about 4 years now. The device works fine except all the aps installed need to update but one by one the new version won't run on my now obsolete op system. Solution, delete the ap. Sooner or later this 'toy' will be just that, a toy. But the good news is there are now a lot of tablets on the market. Not true when I bought this one. When I get something to replace this it wont be apple.
You can't upgrade an iPad 1 to IOS 6, unfortunately.
I have the same problem.
It's just really sad.
I ' l think you' re ****** right, apple shall look to the ground ( maybe they're to high to see it) and shame hisself, a 3 years young tablet for formally much money, and no more support, In my opion they could make a maybe smaller actual ios7 version without problems .... But they wont want it, so thnat everyone must buy a new one.. In fact a 15 years old IBM runs with actual software . Time to throw everything from apple away, even course i don' t like firms who work with tax dogde's
Erdium wrote:
I ' l think you' re ****** right, apple shall look to the ground ( maybe they're to high to see it) and shame hisself, a 3 years young tablet for formally much money, and no more support, In my opion they could make a maybe smaller actual ios7 version without problems .... But they wont want it, so thnat everyone must buy a new one.. In fact a 15 years old IBM runs with actual software . Time to throw everything from apple away, even course i don' t like firms who work with tax dogde's
The iPad was released over four years ago and yes, it still runs actual software. Seems very foolish and shortsighted to throw away something that still works.
Upgrade iPad iOS 5.1.1 to iOS 6