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Itunes match stuck at sending information to apple

Anyone else having issues tonight? Once a week the iTunes match seems to auto run the info gathering and send to apple. Normally it works fine although can be a but slow to get a response from apple sometimes. Tonight it just won't go past 'sending information to apple'. Each time I start iTunes it gathers the info to try again. Anyone else getting similar? My library has not changed in weeks so it can't be anything like that. I guess server issues at apples end?



Posted on Aug 7, 2013 2:12 PM

496 replies

May 4, 2014 1:26 PM in response to Scottyboy99

In the meantime, I have come to rely on Match and now it doesn't work. This is what I do to get around it.

1. When I get a new CD, I still add the CD to iTunes.

2. Then I turn match off on everything and restart everything.

3. With Match off in iTunes, I manually copy the new CD to the devices I want it on, my phone and iPad.

4. Then I turn Match back on everywhere. It works for most of my library on the iPhone.

5. Of course, since I'm in this discussion, you all know Match just starts playinbg with itself again on my Mac.

There is a reason for going through all this. I will know as soon as Apple fixes Match if I keep trying to get through it on my Mac. It's too good an idea for Apple to not fix it someday.

I sure miss Steve Jobs ...

May 4, 2014 3:39 PM in response to johnsos2

Oh boy...here we go again. Match had been working OK for me for a while...until I added some music to my library and Match started hanging again at the "Sending to Apple" step. This is what fixed it for me this time...YMMV.

1. Turn off Match on the offending computer.

2. Log out of iTunes store on the offending computer.

3. Shut down iTunes

4. Restart iTunes

5. Log back in.

6. Turn on Match again.

I tried this and it went completely and successfully through the entire process very quickly...for the time being anyways. This is not the first, nor, I suspect, the last time that Match will go wonky on me again. Not pleased for a pay service.

May 4, 2014 6:48 PM in response to An Clar

Well, I have some movement this evening.

I had to restart my computer because of a drive that wouldn't mount. When iTunes restarted, it was stuck on "sending information to Apple" for about an hour but has now progressed to "matching your music." It has only managed to check one song in the last 45 minutes, but that's one more than it was able to check after running all last night. 😁

May 5, 2014 4:44 AM in response to whyteali

I sure hope you have success, I refuse to turn the computer on today so it can ruin another day, Thanks Apple! I hate iTunes even more than I ever have with it's " you're not authorized to play" crap and it's sneaky way of filing songs on my pod i.e F54 and inability to transfer songs from one library to another. Umm is there any other cloud services that offer this?

Itunes match stuck at sending information to apple

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