Thanks everyone for their responses! I don't have a Macbook Air 2013, but I have a 2008 Macbook Pro 15 in" that I have taken absolute great care of, including maxing out RAM and installing a 500gb ssd/moving original 750 gb apple hd to the optical bay. I mainly just use this computer to watch movies on, so at night I just shut the lid when I'm done with the movie to put it in sleep mode instead of "shutting down". Every day when I need to use it i just wake the computer up by opening the lid and pressing the trackpad.
However, about a week ago, I tried to wake it up and it just would not wake up. I tried SMC resetting all sorts of ways. I opened up the computer and cleaned the fans (which I admit were very dusty). The LED light would indicate it was fully charged, and then sometimes it would be amber and charging, but it wouldn't power on.
I even tried the shake like a mad person and alas, no sign of life, fans would not even make a sound. I began ordering hard drive enclosures to prepare my new move to a new computer.
So then after hearing about how some people "cook" their mother board, I figured I would try that with my own twist. My computer (no protective case on) was resting in a tote bag on my backseat floor vertically standing up, sort of leaning diagonally. It was pretty hot outside today, so I thought, *hey I'm not going to put my mother board in the oven, but let me see if leaving it in the car for a few hours will help bring it back to life.* I left it in the car, went about my day, then 5:40pm I took out my computer, did a control-option-p-r just for the heck of it, plugged in the the magsafe charger, pressed the power button, then 2 seconds later, the white screen, then my login screen I always see when my computer has woken up from sleep!!!! I couldn't believe it!!!
Now I'm afraid to turn it off, and will do a harddrive clone/time machine/complete back up of every single probably on multiple drives!!! But if you feel like you have no hope -- try leaving it in your car on a warm day for a few hours and see if it works (AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION OF COURSE!). Good luck!